I have many desert scrolls:
Firestorm greaves - bracers of deftness - Mummy wraps - Mirage - Chainmail Coif - Spiked Turbine - Golden Greeves - Wolf Whistle - Hruvayahs Medalion
Let me know your thougthts
Thank you
I have many desert scrolls:
Firestorm greaves - bracers of deftness - Mummy wraps - Mirage - Chainmail Coif - Spiked Turbine - Golden Greeves - Wolf Whistle - Hruvayahs Medalion
Let me know your thougthts
Thank you
Help support a vibrant gaming community and it will help the game you enjoy grow.
I have one of these lying around. I could trade it for the Spiked Turban scroll.
You should be able to find me in game on Rner, Horuss, or Iaiz.
I want Mirage and Wolf Whistle scrolls. Have every VoN scroll (CoSC included) and cash.
Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer
Have an extra silver concord scroll for the firestorm greaves scroll, if you are interested. PM me or wabbles in game
Wabbles, Wabblemon, Begforheals and WabblesII - Guild Officer, Fine Antique Leg Wear
I am excepting offers on desert scrolls let me know your main
Help support a vibrant gaming community and it will help the game you enjoy grow.