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  1. #1
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default Mechanic Mechanic?

    Having recently purchased the Warforged race*, I was wondering if there are viable WF rogue, especially Mechanic builds?

    I was thinking of 16/16/16/10/6/6, going Str based TWF. Is this enough to put out casually your favourite repeater and handling most of the traps?

    Any suggestions?

    *: Actually not the entire race, but only the ability to create WF characters. Not trying to be a slaver here.

  2. #2
    Community Member Maxallu's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by karl_k0ch View Post
    Having recently purchased the Warforged race*, I was wondering if there are viable WF rogue, especially Mechanic builds?

    I was thinking of 16/16/16/10/6/6, going Str based TWF. Is this enough to put out casually your favourite repeater and handling most of the traps?

    Any suggestions?

    *: Actually not the entire race, but only the ability to create WF characters. Not trying to be a slaver here.

    If you're going to carry around a repeater and go mechanic, you get the Int bonus to damage. Str does nothing for your Repeater damage so a 16 base strength is a wse for a repeater based mechanic build.

    To me, I think the halfling is the way to go for a repeater carrying mechaninc build. I ignored strength and focused on DEX/INT and CON.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by karl_k0ch View Post
    Having recently purchased the Warforged race*, I was wondering if there are viable WF rogue, especially Mechanic builds?

    I was thinking of 16/16/16/10/6/6, going Str based TWF. Is this enough to put out casually your favourite repeater and handling most of the traps?

    Any suggestions?

    *: Actually not the entire race, but only the ability to create WF characters. Not trying to be a slaver here.
    Okay... can you explain to me the reason you want to go mechanic if you are planning on going TWF? Mechanics as of the new update are designed to be extremely high int, and do repeater xbow damage and traps/grenades. You also need charisma for diplomacy in order to shed the aggro. You need to be more like 10/16/14/16/6/10 for warforged... however i personally went drow 8/16/12/20/8/10 + 2 supreme = 10/18/14/22/10/12.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post
    Okay... can you explain to me the reason you want to go mechanic if you are planning on going TWF? Mechanics as of the new update are designed to be extremely high int, and do repeater xbow damage and traps/grenades. You also need charisma for diplomacy in order to shed the aggro. You need to be more like 10/16/14/16/6/10 for warforged... however i personally went drow 8/16/12/20/8/10 + 2 supreme = 10/18/14/22/10/12.
    I have to agree on here, if you are going TWF assassin has much better advantages to TWF, repeating xbow isn't going to be a useful secondary for the most part without the rapid reload, rapid shot, high int feats, as an assassin you should still be able to do most the traps assuming a competent int and items, and getting the extra sneak attack damage. Unless you are thinking the mechanic repair skill is enough to merit going mechanic for, which in general I don't hear alot good on, it's generally too slow to use in most situations and you will find yourself more likely to prefer UMDing wands of repair instead.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    The initial idea was to go WF Mechanic, just for the joy of the idea. However, it seems like WF are better suited to go into melee, which will cost some feats. On the other hand, the Mechanic PrE doesn't support melee too much.

    So in the end, if I want to make a WF rogue, I shouldn't take the Mechanic PrE and also if I want to make a Mechanic, WF is a bad choice?

    Let's hope the WF gets an EMU approval without having the PrE. Perhaps he/she/it can apply as stock.
    Last edited by karl_k0ch; 07-05-2010 at 12:48 PM.

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