Proud Member of: Caffeine, We aren't strategically savvy!™.
Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot Thread Hijack
Shile, Traumateam, Ratrap, Fireshile.
If I am doing a quest that is easy...I refuse to burn mana pots to make up for under-geared groups or bad tactics.
Maybe this is what happened.
Also I am not sure what you were trying to accomplish by posting this. The fact your rep is disabled...I am kinda prone to think you "stir the pot" a bit.
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
If I posted on the forums each time I had an issue with someone....I would never stop typing. Seriously, if you think that our guild leader would have given a response such as this without knowing the cleric and knowing that he was not the issue....then you are a bit silly. Please remember that not all guilds mass recruit. Our leader knows all his players and puts enough trust in our word...that your tattle tale actions are just that. Honestly, if I played with someone for yrs and someone told me of his "bad" actions I would laugh my arse off too. You say he doesn't care...when it is 100% the the other way around. A good guild leader takes care of HIS guildies and trusts he does. Plain and simple. Thank you by the way for slamming the guild...gave our friends a chance to step up and show their loyalty. Peace out....and go eat a rooster!!
****Thenn*Thenna*Thennn*Andthenn*Thennagain*Demoni ck*Archonn*Bruntar*Bramtor*Shandrill*Vyag Ra..Darsinn****
Actually that wasn't the guild leader that you were talking to in those posts that was me.
And yes i did not really care what you had to say because knowing the cleric in question i Knew you were not telling the whole story.
He drinks pots just for fun while the rest of us shrine ....a running joke in the guild.
This post is the win because anyone that knows bacon knows he's an outstanding cleric and all it does is point out that you and the rest of your group either can't use tactics or should not be running epics.
Feel free not to group with any of us don't worry it won't hurt our feelings.
Ok I cant stand back and listen to you whine and cry about RG. I am the guild leader of the Guns and as far as i am concered I back my guys 100% on what the do. If you dont wont to group with RG thats fine we will be alright as lifespawn said, but for you to come into the forums and try to bad mouth one of the guys that I known for a long time on a personal you've ****ed me off. If he left group it was becasue of your incompetence not his. I have no idea what your are trying to accomplish by this post. But you have made are black list enjoy.
{Roving Guns Guild Leader} Main : *Dmgpersec* Alts : (Blackmagik)-(Eyesaveu)-(Guru)-(Lightseeker) + More
It's hard to tell whats really going on here. So a cleric dropped mid group after running out of SP. Not the classiest exit but worst things have happened. Without an entire transcript of the combat log it is impossible to see where the weak link was but its obvious there was a lack of group cohesiveness.
My suggestion to everyone is try a little harder to communicate better. Most of these types of issues can be resolved in quest with a little patience and understanding.
Just say, "Hey look I don't feel like pounding 20 majors, can we stay a little tighter and conserve resources"? Or, "Everyone check their fort items cuz you guys are getting smacked around like a bunch of kobold cheerleaders." I would be surprised if people didn't adjust or kick down some majors for the cleric in this case.
At the end of the day players need to remember that they are representatives of their guilds and their actions are an extension not only of themselves but of the entire guild. Doesn't matter if its dropping mid group, passing loot in a chest or saving an entire raid wipe - people are going to remember.
So if you would like to avoid scenarios such as this one ... choose your path wisely.
Really this is about Bacon that makes even that much funny in my eyes I would run with Bacon and anyone in Roving Guns before i ran with anyone in Dragonic Imortalis (sp) I have actuall ran in to a bunch of players in the guild that I would not run with. OP = Fail imho and Roving Guns & Bacon = run with anytime.
AltS- Pugtastic, Pugalicous, Pugnificent, Pugspione, Pugruly.
All proud members of Halfling Commandos
So as you said yourself you were not harmed by this since you immediately got another cleric and continued, but you still found the need to come on the forums and go out of your way trying to bad mouth not just one person but a whole guild?
Ellahiam Barb 12-Second TR(Rogue/Fighter/Barb)
This is almost as good as The blame game.
Less Person X/Y/Æ, though.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Hey, Sarlona not bad you almost have this Drama thing figured out....a little practice you might just be able to shine Khyber's shoes.
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”
dunno what you are thinking, OP, that you would in some way tarnish the guns' rep on the server. ive personally found i like alot of their playstyle. but i can say, i run 4 healers. if something is seriously borked and im lucky to see it early on, im out as well. im not gonna stand and hope you help me with the cost of a screwed up pug run. so, your point is......what?? at least he told you goodbye
woundweaver 20 cl woundcleaver 20 barb woundbleeder 17 barb woundreaver 20 ftr woundheal 18 cl
woundedsoul 20 fvs woundedfist 20 monk woundshadow 20 fvs woundtoaster 20 wiz woundtusk 15 monk
Bacon is one of the best clerics I've ever run with. He solo cleric'd one of the first elite shroud runs when the cap was 16 and he drank lots of mana pots and used around 400 scrolls (and this wasnt a run for his guild) so to try and bash him for leaving after one fight is stupid. I am now lucky enough to be in his guild and I wish my clerics were as good as him. I love my fluffy bunny![]()
Last edited by RG_Arlyn; 07-05-2010 at 09:00 AM.
Arlyn * Amaras * Stevienicks * Holyb * Arlene * Ehrynn* Ehryn * Notsosneaky * Lagkills * Ehryndyl *
To OP, kinnda seems like the "giving the guild a bad name "thing kinnda backfired on ya. OUCH that kinnda hurtsBrings me to one point I was told when I was young.
Respect is something one has to work for....but when you achieve it is hard to tear down. Looks like OP prolly should have done a bit of homework before throwing stones at steel wall.
****Thenn*Thenna*Thennn*Andthenn*Thennagain*Demoni ck*Archonn*Bruntar*Bramtor*Shandrill*Vyag Ra..Darsinn****