Just gonna do what othhers have advised and just put it up as a bad night/miscommunication
Just gonna do what othhers have advised and just put it up as a bad night/miscommunication
Last edited by rjedi; 07-04-2010 at 01:21 PM.
Names will NOT be changed or blurred to protect anyone really.
I ransacked the Millers Good's and all I got for it was this stupid T-Shirt.
If A Dwarf falls in the forest does he make a sound? YES! Ah Gawd Dang Sons of a *BEEP*
Guild leader of the "Order of the Never Empty Mug"-Khyber Server-Varda, Daggummet, Xotika, Angelheart, Annaleeza, Keirza, Gearszin, Iluvatar, Sindeamon, and Pippsqueek
after his second response I'm not sure what you were looking for. he made it plain that he was happy with his guy, were you looking to get him kicked out of the guild? clearly that was not happening.
less sure why you would bring it here
looking for a good frog
What did you expect? Did you want longshanks to go make him join your group again? Does he have to /emote cry to show he cares?
Making the thread is not going to change 95% of peoples minds here on Sarlona regardless, just be like the rest of the 5% and just don't group with people you have issues with.
Personally if I was a guild leader and someone ran to me about problems with guildies not inside the guild I wouldnt respond or I'd respond so I could get a good laugh at a griefer.
Last edited by mudfud; 07-04-2010 at 01:39 AM.
I would have *****ed you out before he did. You said the same thing like 6 times and he responded the same way, he obviously didn't care due to the fact that he had played with his guildy a lot more and longer...
not looking to get him booted at all, was looking to informing the guild leader that his guildy was giving his guild a bad name and then get these responces which I am deleting till I can edit better
Guess your right, just bad form and what do you mean guildies not in the guild? He is in roving gunz
K so.. Hm what should leader of RG do according to you ?
Pat on the back and kick the cleric from guild ? <Not really>
IMO you had either subpar group or lack of communication.
And we advice clerics not to burn plat on that kind of groups, and drop.
Happends, move on.
And yeah if i would burn through all my sp on trauma or ratrap in first room
of tide turns, it would be best for group if i dropped group, believe me.
Remmember that shrine is a loooonnngg hallway, 2 epic traps with mobs, Away.
And healing anyones shiny behind with scrolls is not as fun as it seems in epic.
Proud Member of: Caffeine, We aren't strategically savvy!™.
Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot Thread Hijack
Shile, Traumateam, Ratrap, Fireshile.
ah, yep.
Hi Welcome
There is an "Alternate" Forum, PM Strakeln for details.
Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
Wielder of the Stiffler Salute
Eberron Lore - Lore-Keepers Lounge
Proud Member of: Caffeine, We aren't strategically savvy!™.
Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot Thread Hijack
Shile, Traumateam, Ratrap, Fireshile.
If I am doing a quest that is easy...I refuse to burn mana pots to make up for under-geared groups or bad tactics.
Maybe this is what happened.
Also I am not sure what you were trying to accomplish by posting this. The fact your rep is disabled...I am kinda prone to think you "stir the pot" a bit.
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
If I posted on the forums each time I had an issue with someone....I would never stop typing. Seriously, if you think that our guild leader would have given a response such as this without knowing the cleric and knowing that he was not the issue....then you are a bit silly. Please remember that not all guilds mass recruit. Our leader knows all his players and puts enough trust in our word...that your tattle tale actions are just that. Honestly, if I played with someone for yrs and someone told me of his "bad" actions I would laugh my arse off too. You say he doesn't care...when it is 100% the the other way around. A good guild leader takes care of HIS guildies and trusts them....like he does. Plain and simple. Thank you by the way for slamming the guild...gave our friends a chance to step up and show their loyalty. Peace out....and go eat a rooster!!
****Thenn*Thenna*Thennn*Andthenn*Thennagain*Demoni ck*Archonn*Bruntar*Bramtor*Shandrill*Vyag Ra..Darsinn****
Hey, Sarlona not bad you almost have this Drama thing figured out....a little practice you might just be able to shine Khyber's shoes.
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”