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  1. #1
    Community Member Scythera's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Constantly Installing DDO

    First and foremost, I am not sure if this is in the right place. Second, I am not sure if fellow players can help me with this. But here it goes.

    About five days ago, my DDO would not co-operate with me. I would load in, get to my character selection, then to the last load in screen. For the longest time, my client would crash without loading anything. So, thinking it was my computer, I made sure the Anti-Virus software was up to date, made sure the computer itself was fine, and then, finally, did every single update it showed me. Then, of course, restarted.
    No Dice. >.> Litterally, I couldn't see any attack dice. Not even a Mummy's Rot save dice, which would have been welcome.

    So, after talking to a few of Guildies in chat, as well as a few friends in Vent, I finally decided to completely uninstall DDO from my computer, then reinstall it. That process alone was a pain in the @#$, for, my connection wasn't great right then, and it couldn't make up its mind if it wished to take two hours, or twenty. So, after giving up for the day, and getting back to real life (That sun hurts when you haven't seen it for hours) I went, and just forgot for a bit.

    Well, the next day, with my hope renewed, and happy tune in my step, I tried again. This time, it was about two-five hours. An improvement. Well, eventually, I finally got it working, logged in, to both the client and character, and realized that two days was a long time (The Guild reknown was still new. I left when the highest Guild (In Sarlona) was seven, and came back to eighteen.)) Anyways. I did my thing for an hour or two, and then had to log.

    Now, here's the kicker. When I logged off, I realized later, that I did not have a shortcut on my Computer this time, to log straight in. Eventually, after finding some backup files, I had the Client on my screen, but I had to do another Download. Okay, sure, it had been a few days, took about thirty minutes, no big, just happy to get back in the loop.

    Once again though, I logged off, and realized that I STILL did not have the shortcut option, and this time, after another forty minute install, I specifically looked for the option to create a shortcut. No dice. Once more. This process repeated itself once more, except, the third time, when I was at that little box, to input my name and password, it showed me that I needed updates here, instead of the other box I had become used to. So, once more, another forty minute load.
    Fine, just give me my game.
    I played longer than I should have, until about four AM my time, mainly because I was afraid to log off.

    Yet, here I am, as I write this, waiting for it to install once more; it was at about five percent when I started writing this, and is now about fifty percent as I am about to finish.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Edit: I would like to state, however, having looked over all of these other technical issue forums, that, when I can get on, the program runs smoothe, good Graphics, everything. I love the game, been playing since last october, and will continue. Just hoping that, before they add more stuff, no matter what, that they improve the existing issues, instead of adding more. ^^ Ten stars out of ten.
    Last edited by Scythera; 07-03-2010 at 02:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Seriously you keep reinstalling because of a missing shortcut?

    Search your computer for "dndlauncher" without the quotes, make a shortcut to it on your desktop. Now play.

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