Bout an hour ago Bane scored their ship. Way to go, too much fun working together to accomplish this feat. Now we can all settle back to having fun again.
Bout an hour ago Bane scored their ship. Way to go, too much fun working together to accomplish this feat. Now we can all settle back to having fun again.
Last edited by aldan; 07-02-2010 at 10:20 PM.
Grats to bane if it is true.
Xoriat Born
Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs
Winston Churchill:
“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”
I think we were actually third to acquire a ship. It was fun getting there though, and it is nice to finally have a home. No more nights sleeping in the taverns...well, for 30 of us at a time anyway ;-).
ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
Proud member of ARCHANGELS
Sorry but I believe that's the 3rd on Thelanis behind Legion and Stormlords.
NO DEAL. Legion had the first airship on Thelanis.
Karnedge, Makeu, Mayatte, Melinkko, Newbsauce, Rencaris, Ringmasta, Saviouraz, Willybubba
Sweet, gratz to all who got their ships 1st 2nd or 3rd or last.
Way to go all.
Grats guys !
Leader of The Madborn, Thelanis
Searros, Kangaros, Xearos, Fearos, Tearos, Zenros, Rocknros, Rargasauros, Whilyros, Frostyros, Rosificer, Levonestral, Clankros, Stabbyros
Grats to all of you then.
Xoriat Born
Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs
not enough xoriat in this thread
for the OP
Grats to Legion, Stormlords, & Bane. Well done.
Kruler Nightwing, Leander McVey, Kikmor Boutte, Xanril Pegason, Bamark Stronghand, Xavneiros Moonshadow, Stabju Indanek, Xangeon Pegason, Shavver Darkeyes, Nuther UTI, Woqini, Mozi
The Dark Exile, Xoriat
Grats to all three!!!
I'm very impressed and a bit envious too.
Guilds -- Officer: Umber Hulks, Member: Knights of the Silver Dragon (KotSD)
Characters: Nalinor (Human Rogue lvl 20), Cargonar (Dwarven Fighter lvl 11), Atlanon (Dwarven Fighter 11/Barb. 2). Beltakorr (Human Barb. 18/Fighter 2), Fleabite (Halfling Wiz. lvl 9), Skirahzalon (Drow Bard lvl 8).