re·nown (r
n.1. The quality of being widely honored and acclaimed; fame.
I find it exceedingly strange that Renown, in terms of the game world as introduced by the developers, supposed to represent the fame achieved by an individual, is so random. If the Tasks of Hercules were to have been conducted in DDO, he would have been a relative no-body and never achieved immortality, or an airship. Finish 12 Epic Raids, then check Renown: low-moderate.
Run a lvl 4 thru 12 harbour quests, then check renown: Very high.
So, killing a whole bunch of kobolds is more worthy of fame than killing a Red dragon?
Please examine the idea of a guaranteed Renown drop for completing epic dungeons and raids. Even regular raids should drop more renown than regular quests.
How about the warded chest drops, in addition to the loot a guaranteed allotment of renown:
Raid: 100 renown
Epic Dungeon: 500 renown
Epic Raid: 1000 renown.