So I've gotten my bard to 8th with about 97% soloing and was wanting to get the Arcane Archer Feat available to elves at 8. Besides having a respectable store of magic bout 310, also just multi-ed into rogue, wasn't real impressed with the first level options. However, when I initially started this character it was only a 28 pt build. Now, I am gonna redo with the 32 pt. Basically I wanna try a ranged sneak character again with about 10-ish STR, and was at 9 WIS last time ( though would not mind 10-ing it to avoid associated penalties), with DEX and CHA being my highest, wanna alson focus on INT this time through for skill pts for skills like Spot, UMD, and Haggle, for what I could think of as a fun character. To the point I want some more ROG lvls in there to make her a more capable solo'er, open locks, disable traps, and most definately, sneak attack. I'd also like to keep most of spell points I have so the bard levels would either equal or outnumber the bard. Sorry to be so particular but anyone, any suggestions???