I think you should re-read my post a little closer. I posted this because in the past few weeks/months, I've been in groups where the word 'elitist' was used far more often than I'm used to.
It was directed at me once(I'm so proud!) in a vod group where the barb didn't know he couldn't remove his curse while madstoned. I asked him how long he has had them, and his response was, "You don't have to be an elitist jerk!"
So I replied that knowledge doesn't = elitism. I wasn't a jerk about it, it maybe caught me off guard a little, but as we had 4 barbs in a hard vod, as the leader( on a barb) I said no raging, take care of your own curses.
I'm also sick of the winers(winners has 2 n's
) who keep complaining about not getting into epic groups on their 180hp sorcs and 220 hp rogues. I really don't care, I MyDDO and am glad that I do and will continue to do so.
I MyDDO for EPIC's, not shroud, not madstone, so really get over it.