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  1. #1
    Founder Kale_Hagan's Avatar
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    Default UMD and the Dark Monk

    Ok, so I'm contemplating how exactly to reforge my light monk into a dark monk, but there are a few questions I have about incorporating UMD into my build. I'm going pure monk, no splashing...

    How high can I get my UMD? I know the max ranks are 10 - how are others getting a useably high UMD on their monks without splashing?

    I'm a little unwilling to tank my wisdom since I'm planning on using stunning fist. Any suggestions?
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    Khyber - Mesaana, Samaeila Suncrusher

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I wouldn't really aim for the UMD to equip items, you'd have to sacrifice too many slots for that. But if you can switch into your UMD gear for various reasons (to activate Level 10 Shield wands, yeah!) then that works out.

    Here are some of my notes for my Halfling with 10 Cha (8 w/ +2 tome):

    UMD 11 Ranks + 3 Cha + 4 GH (Gird) + 2 Walk of the Sun + Golden Cartouche (Neck), +3 Competence

    Other UMD Items:

    Runic Gloves (Hands), +1 Competence -- Korthos
    Vile Blasphemy (Hands), +3 Competence -- Ascension Chamber
    7-Fingered Gloves (Hands), +5 Competence -- Titan
    HoGF (Trinket), +2 Luck -- Reaver's Fate
    Shroud Item, +6

    Ideal UMD: 11 + 3 Cha + 4 GH + 2 WotS + 5 7-F Gloves + 2 HoGF + 6 Shroud = 33

    Realistic UMD: 11 + 3 Cha + 4 GH + 2 WotS + 3 Golden Cartouche + 2 HoGF + 3 DT Exc Skills = 28

    Humans can boost for more.
    Last edited by rimble; 07-02-2010 at 11:45 AM.

  3. #3
    Founder aldan's Avatar
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    I dont think you can really get it that high to be useful. With a CHA of 8 you can still land shining star.

    Think you would have to really gimp yourself to get CHA high enough to do it since UMD is not a native skill. I am only going on what I think I know.


  4. #4
    Founder Kale_Hagan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    I wouldn't really aim for the UMD to equip items, you'd have to sacrifice too many slots for that. But if you can switch into your UMD gear for various reasons (to activate Level 10 Shield wands, yeah!) then that works out.

    Here are some of my notes for my Halfling with 10 Cha (8 w/ +2 tome):

    UMD 11 Ranks + 3 Cha + 4 GH (Gird) + 2 Walk of the Sun + Golden Cartouche (Neck), +3 Competence

    Other UMD Items:

    Runic Gloves (Hands), +1 Competence -- Korthos
    Vile Blasphemy (Hands), +3 Competence -- Ascension Chamber
    7-Fingered Gloves (Hands), +5 Competence -- Titan
    HoGF (Trinket), +2 Luck -- Reaver's Fate
    Shroud Item, +6

    Ideal UMD: 11 + 3 Cha + 4 GH + 2 WotS + 5 7-F Gloves + 2 HoGF + 6 Shroud = 33

    Realistic UMD: 11 + 3 Cha + 4 GH + 2 WotS + 3 Golden Cartouche + 2 HoGF + 3 DT Exc Skills = 28
    With this setup the epic big top would also be a nice boost - +3 enhancement bonus. Even the normal version is +1 enhancement.
    "Funny 'Ha-Ha, or Funny 'Uh-oh...'?
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    Khyber - Mesaana, Samaeila Suncrusher

  5. #5
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    UMD 11 Ranks + 3 Cha + 4 GH (Gird) + 2 Walk of the Sun + Golden Cartouche (Neck), +3 Competence

    Other UMD Items:

    Runic Gloves (Hands), +1 Competence -- Korthos
    Vile Blasphemy (Hands), +3 Competence -- Ascension Chamber
    7-Fingered Gloves (Hands), +5 Competence -- Titan
    HoGF (Trinket), +2 Luck -- Reaver's Fate
    Shroud Item, +6

    Ideal UMD: 11 + 3 Cha + 4 GH + 2 WotS + 5 7-F Gloves + 2 HoGF + 6 Shroud = 33

    Realistic UMD: 11 + 3 Cha + 4 GH + 2 WotS + 3 Golden Cartouche + 2 HoGF + 3 DT Exc Skills = 28
    Walk of the Sun is out if going Dark. So best bet is to craft a shroud cha-skills item, get the cartouche, and possibly the epic big top as suggested above. Head of good fortune is always a plus too of course.
    And if you're Human, don't forget human versatility. +5 to cha-skills? Yes, please. That should last long enough to get that Heal scroll out.

    Also, if you're swimming in feats, skill focus: UMD helps a bit too.

  6. #6
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    Right on, those are old notes, haven't thought about it in awhile.

    Yeah, for me some of the raid stuff is out...I really dislike both those raids, and I'm not too big on Epic either, so let's say:

    11 Ranks + 3 Cha + 4 GH + 3 Cartouche (Competence) + 2 HoGF (Luck) + 6 GS Cha Skills (Exceptional) + 1 Big Top Hat (Enhancement) = 30 (+3 SF: UMD)

    That's pretty good odds on the sweet stuff that is around 38 UMD. That's really just to start, then you can Raid/Epic your way higher to no-fail territory.

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