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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default How about a Monk Capstone?

    Cuz' let's face it,the current Monk Capstone is ...well..pretty useless,especially since you can now get that whole "passive ki generation" thing trough Oremi's necklace and now with the new update,dark monks can get that at level 6. The concentration part is completly useless since the Passive ki regenaration just makes your base Ki 200+ .

    So you know... maybe you could make something like...Grand-Grandmaster of stances,only get to choose one and you could try to make it different than the not capped version or even some wisdom points or AC something.


  2. #2
    Community Member Alexandryte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionHearty View Post
    Cuz' let's face it,the current Monk Capstone is ...well..pretty useless,especially since you can now get that whole "passive ki generation" thing trough Oremi's necklace and now with the new update,dark monks can get that at level 6. The concentration part is completly useless since the Passive ki regenaration just makes your base Ki 200+ .

    So you know... maybe you could make something like...Grand-Grandmaster of stances,only get to choose one and you could try to make it different than the not capped version or even some wisdom points or AC something.


    The passive ki generation while centered is not replicated via Oremi's. Oremi's provides an additional 1 ki per hit. There is a difference. Though you are right, Ninja spy does provide a similar bonus.

    You exaggerate a bit but you do have a point. The monk class could use another look over enhancement wise (and enhancement cost wise).
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionHearty View Post
    So you know... maybe you could make something like...Grand-Grandmaster of stances,only get to choose one and you could try to make it different than the not capped version or even some wisdom points or AC something.
    A cool feature to add to some monks is the ability to enter two stances at once. One of the stances would probably have to be restricted to less than top level, such as one at tier 2 and one at tier 4.

    That kind of feature could be added either as an alternate capstone, or a feature of Henshin Mystic.

  4. #4
    Community Member FunkyGoose's Avatar
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    I would like the idea of a Void stance or some sort of passive boost to elemental damage based on your stance (maybe +2d6 lit for wind, acid for earth, fire, or ice)
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  5. #5
    Community Member Deaths_ward's Avatar
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    First off, the Ninja Spy Ki generation only applies while you're in sneak mode.

    Second, here's my idea for the next monk captsone.

    Monk Capstone: Grand Master Of The Void
    Cost: 2 AP
    Requirements: Void Strike III (Not IV as this would be replacing Void Strike IV.), Monk Level 20, 76 AP spent, Any one of the tier 4 animal paths, and any one of the Grandmaster stances.
    Effect: You have reached the pinnacle of study, you exist both within, and without the elements. You gain the ability to strike at the fundamental elements the make up a creature, breaking them down, and erasing the creature from existence.

    Grand Master of The Void: Master Of No Form Stance
    Effect: Your ability to stand outside the elements grants you energy resistance 20 (stacks with spell/item granted) to each element, and while in this stance all your melee strikes while unarmed, or made with monk weapons, deal an additional 3d6 points of untyped damage.

    Grand Master Of The Void: All's End
    Cost: 50 Ki
    Effect: You make a melee strike attempting to rend asunder the fundamental building blocks that make up your target, this melee strike forces the target to make a Fortitude Save with a DC equal to 15 + Monk Level + Wis Mod. If the creatures fails it's save it is erased from existence (this is not a death effect and will work on both constructs, and undead), if the creature succeeds it's save, (or if it is immune to instant death via; Epic Ward, Red/Purple Named status, etc.) it takes 500 points of damage.
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  6. #6
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    DR/10 and double the Ki...sorry I like my capstone just fine......don't forget tho, they do plan on having multiple capstones for each maybe the next one will be more to you liking.

    The DR is huge when your solo'ing, so is all the extra Ki for that matter.

  7. #7
    Community Member Quijonsith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    DR/10 and double the Ki...sorry I like my capstone just fine......don't forget tho, they do plan on having multiple capstones for each maybe the next one will be more to you liking.

    The DR is huge when your solo'ing, so is all the extra Ki for that matter.
    10 DR/epic has nothing to do with the capstone. We get that as a class feature just for hitting 20. The capstone itself grants +10 concentration and +1 passive ki generation, which I love on my pure monk.
    Baaldon Draggins: 20 Halfling Monk; Krigen Skaptero: Monk Healing Amp Intimitank

  8. #8
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quijonsith View Post
    10 DR/epic has nothing to do with the capstone. We get that as a class feature just for hitting 20. The capstone itself grants +10 concentration and +1 passive ki generation, which I love on my pure monk.

    Doh! sorry!!!! I still love the extra Ki....I guess in light of that....yeah it is a bit lackluster compared to some of the others.....but it could very well be because we get that DR/10....I mean a lot of other classes aren't getting cool stuff like that for reaching they make it up in their capstones.

  9. #9
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    how about a ranger capstone? useless to 80% of the builds out there
    what about a cleric capstone? not really usefull either
    what about a barbarian capstone? +2str is just ****

    dont just say to change things, make suggestions what it could be. its the suggestion forum afterall

    also the monk capstone is so weak because of the other lvl20 abilites which are rather strong...thats why the barb one is so weak too: they get +4str and +4con (think its both) on lvl20 too, just like monks get their DR
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  10. #10
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post

    also the monk capstone is so weak because of the other lvl20 abilites which are rather strong...thats why the barb one is so weak too: they get +4str and +4con (think its both) on lvl20 too, just like monks get their DR
    That's what I am screaming.

  11. #11
    Community Member sirdanile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deaths_ward View Post
    First off, the Ninja Spy Ki generation only applies while you're in sneak mode.

    Second, here's my idea for the next monk captsone.

    Monk Capstone: Grand Master Of The Void
    Cost: 2 AP
    Requirements: Void Strike III (Not IV as this would be replacing Void Strike IV.), Monk Level 20, 76 AP spent, Any one of the tier 4 animal paths, and any one of the Grandmaster stances.
    Effect: You have reached the pinnacle of study, you exist both within, and without the elements. You gain the ability to strike at the fundamental elements the make up a creature, breaking them down, and erasing the creature from existence.

    Grand Master of The Void: Master Of No Form Stance
    Effect: Your ability to stand outside the elements grants you energy resistance 20 (stacks with spell/item granted) to each element, and while in this stance all your melee strikes while unarmed, or made with monk weapons, deal an additional 3d6 points of untyped damage.

    Grand Master Of The Void: All's End
    Cost: 50 Ki
    Effect: You make a melee strike attempting to rend asunder the fundamental building blocks that make up your target, this melee strike forces the target to make a Fortitude Save with a DC equal to 15 + Monk Level + Wis Mod. If the creatures fails it's save it is erased from existence (this is not a death effect and will work on both constructs, and undead), if the creature succeeds it's save, (or if it is immune to instant death via; Epic Ward, Red/Purple Named status, etc.) it takes 500 points of damage.
    I actually like this... but a dark path monk could alternate between this and Touch of Death on bosses and deal insane amounts of damage. Also epic trash CAN be erased from existance.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirdanile View Post
    I actually like this... but a dark path monk could alternate between this and Touch of Death on bosses and deal insane amounts of damage. Also epic trash CAN be erased from existance.
    way too overpowered though
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  13. #13
    Community Member Quijonsith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    way too overpowered though
    in regards to the suggested capstone this was my thought too.
    Baaldon Draggins: 20 Halfling Monk; Krigen Skaptero: Monk Healing Amp Intimitank

  14. #14
    Community Member Seliana's Avatar
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    I had a few other capstone ideas:

    Capstone: Grandmaster of Form
    Benefit: When you activate a stance the associated element is automatically applied to all attacks made while in that stance without the associated ki cost.

    A monk who is currently in Water Stance IV would automatically hit for 2d20 cold damage every punch, without needing to press the ki strike button. This would allow the monk to press a second ki strike from a different stance for additional damage.


    Capstone: Grandmaster of Spirit
    Benefit: When you press a monk activated ability, the associated cooldown is not applied. This allows the grandmaster monk to expend their ki as quickly or slowly as they choose. This however does not allow more then 1 effect to be applied per strike.

    A monk with this capstone could conceivably press Stunning Fist or Quivering Palm on every attack as long as they had the Ki to use the power, without waiting for the cooldown to expire. The KI cost would be deducted as normal for every special attack used.


    Capstone: Grandmaster of Tactics
    Benefit: When you use a finishing move successfully, the associated effect is tripled in duration. This allows the monk to easily and consistently keep several finishing move effects going on the battlefield at the same time.
    Last edited by Seliana; 07-02-2010 at 07:51 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barazon View Post
    What about lava and deep lava? By your logic, rogues should get a reflex save for swimming in it, as long as they keeps moving!

  15. #15
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    I'm still hoping for a Drunken Master Prestige Enhancement series for monks.

    It's only logical..........
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