Hi Everyone
Here is an unorginized list of a stuff for sale.
Looking for Plat + Larges (Scales and Stones Priority)
Send a PM, Will Check Daily.
-+2 Anarchic Scimitar of Greater Construct Bane ml10 RR:WF UMD:24
-+3 Vicious Dwarven Axe of Greater Construct Bane ml12
-Muck's Doom ml6
-Large Gem Bag 0/30 x2
-+5 Bodyfeeder Rapier of Puncturing ml18
-Sun Blade ml6 x2
-+Cloak of Resistance +5 ml15 RR:Elf,DROW UMD:22
-+1 Holy Heavy Mace of Greater Evil Outsider Bane ml10
-+3 Metalline Rapier of Pure Good ml10
-+5 Metalline Dwarven Axe of Pure Good ml14
-+5 Metalline Light Pick of Pure Good ml14
-+4 Metalline Club of Pure Good ml12
-+3 Metalline Khopesh of Prue Good ml10
-+4 Metalline Dagger of Pure Good ml12
-+4 Metalline Dagger of Pure Good ml12
-+3 Maladroit Handwraps of Bone Breaking ml14
-+1 Weakening Khopesh of Enfeebling ml10
-+2 Crippling Handwraps of Weighted 5% ml12 RR:HUMAN UMD:22
-+3 Weakening Longsword of Enfeebling ml14
-+3 Weakening Handwraps of Weighted 5% ml18 RR:ELF,DROW UMD:28
-Ring of Haggling +15 ml15
-Shield: Fragment Two
-Shield: Fragment One x2
-50 Scrolls of Firewall ml5
-100 Scrolls of Firewall ml5
-100 Scrolls of Firewall ml5
-100 Scrolls of Firewall ml5
-Pure Shavarath Iron
-+3 Icy Burst Handwraps of Weighted 5% ml14
-+1 Bodyfeeder Scimitar of Pure Good ml8
-Wise Ring of Intimidation wis+1 Int+13 ml15
-+2 Shocking Burst Battleaxe of Greater Gnoll bane ml12
-+2 Wounding Dagger of Puncturing ml12
-Dextrous Ring of Elvenkind +6 Dex +5 Ms ml15 RR:WF UMD:22
-Ogre Power Ring of Protection from Evil +6 str ml15
-+2 Anarchic Shortsword of GReater Evil Outsider Bane ml12
-+5 Mithril Fullplate of Lesser Cold Resistance
-Wand of Shield (5th) 50/50
-Help of Wizardry VI ml13 RR: HUMAN UMD:20
-Ring of the Baphomet ml9
-+1 Bodyfeeder Rapier of Puncturing ml10
-Banner Cloak +6cha
-Wise Circlet of the Archmagi +1wis ML17 RR:HALFLING UMD:24
-Ring of Greater Lightning Resistance ml11
-Scarab of Spell Protection 12/12 x4
-Boots of Balance +15 ml15
-Ring of the Eagle +15 ml15
-Crown of Steady Spellcasting +15 ml15
-Crown of Intimidation +11 ml11
-+3 Superior Potency VI Rapier ml14
-+3 Spell Penetration VII Khopesh ml14
-Helm of Wizardry VII ml15-
-Docent of Quickening ml10 x4
-Inferno Bracers +6dex ml13 x2
-Fanged Gloves ml12 x2
-Breastplate of Vol ml12 x2
-Lenses of Doom ml13
-Jinx's Vexation ml10
-Tome Pages (All)