OP mentioned 2H weapons and clerics don't get Master's Touch; so with only those classes his only 2H option is quarterstaff, IIRC.
If you only have base classes, I'd go cleric with a fighter splash: heals, buffs, decent melee, a few DPS spells (Blade Barrier being key). Put all points into STR, CON, and WIS; dump the rest. Greataxes or falchions are probably your best bets.
Or, just to toot my horn, I posted a few
human paladin 2 / cleric 18 builds recently which go for Radiant Servant; paladin adds martial weapons, Divine Grace, (weaksauce) LoH, and Smite Evil. I prefer melee-focused builds for soloing, so I'd use the last build: STR-based, but with enough metamagics to have pretty decent spellcasting.