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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Talking Yes, The Halfling Nation is still recruiting!

    A bit more about The Halfling Nation guild…

    Pressure to coordinate: No pressure to do anything other than have a good time
    Play style: Laid back play style is the best fit for this guild
    Personality: Cheesy humor always welcome
    Attitudes: Light hearted attitudes will be just fine, otherwise see “Bad attitudes”
    Raid or no raid… what ever people want to do… too much coordination makes people cranky
    Guild Structure: More for the humorous aspect than for actual structure
    Kids: Halflings have been called many things; kids being one of the more pleasant
    Cursing: Rather not, but up to the general personality of the group
    Serious adventuring: Serious with a twist is good; serious with an attitude, see below
    Bad attitudes: >Smirk< Go ahead and try if you like
    Chicken Soup: Not near the keyboard, but good nonetheless
    Orcs: Orcs with forks give me nightmares
    Named items in raids: If it is in your inbox, it is yours to do with as you please… period
    Begging: 20% goes to the house! Hey, we all gota get a piece don’t we?
    Funny hats: Bells are kind of funny, but only if you are sneaking up on a group of hungry Ogres
    Sharing: Hey, we’re a family… of course we share… nicely
    Guild Bank: Kind of a pain, and not really worth while… Prefer to have a living bank with in the guild


    Q - What’s that smell?
    A - Wasn’t me…

    Q - Why is a lowbie running the guild?
    A - ZipperHead is a recent TR, so please bear with him… he’s trying

    Q - Why is there a Warforged in an “all Halfling” guild?
    A - Rleax… he’s cool… And kinda acts like a Halfling… and doesn’t smell... much

    Q - Will we accept non Halflings in the guild?
    A - See above.

    Q – Do you have established raid times?
    A – Nope.

    Q – How do I become a guild officer?
    A – Express an interest in recruiting new members

    Q – Do I have to participate in the online forum?
    A – No, but it is helpful for keeping track of applications

    If you aren’t convinced this is the right guild for you by now… Then it probably isn’t the right guild for you!

    Guild Site:

    Guild Membership Application:
    Last edited by thewizard3; 07-01-2010 at 03:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Thumbs up Making progress

    The guild just hit level 4 last night - Granted, not nearly as high or fast as the big guilds, but progress nonetheless. The goal is to hit 20th as soon as possible to take advantage of the Airship and other item benefits. Cash for the purchase and amenities is already set aside; all we need is some active players who want to play a big role in the guild's growth. So, if you are interested in building, and not just reaping the benefits others have acheived, send me an ingame tell, forum PM, or guild-site message. There is a vested interest to make this guild successful, so feel confident that it is not going away anytime soon.

  3. #3
    Community Member CaptainPurge's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Free bump.

    And not to be a d1ck but a racist guild is not easy to manage. Players who love the race will ask you about your tag and about joining but so many are already affiliated now, you might have an advantage in that you are in a lowbie state...those will be your recruits to train and wash some noobness off of.

    Oh yeah: Yes, Killer Dwarfs is still recruiting!

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainPurge View Post
    Free bump.

    And not to be a d1ck but a racist guild is not easy to manage.
    Very true, nor is it easy to grow for the reasons you stated. Not easy for any guild to grow or become established with the number already out there. Seems about the only way to make something stick, is to jump on any new server that opens from the get go, then all you have to worry about is other guilds migrating from one server to the next because they got tired of the other.

    Worthless cause? No cause is worthless when you stand just over 3 feet tall!

    Well, unless you are 3 feet tall, and 3 feet wide, then there is a problem

    Good luck to you and the Killer Dwarfs - I hope the short and stout will find friends with THN

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