It's been suggested in another thread that all renown earned on behalf of a guild be tied to the character earning it. Thus, if Pwesiela contributed 1k renown to her guild, then decided to leave the guild, the guild would go down by 1k.
I do not favor this all or nothing approach. However, I see some merit in having the character's level of renown across Stormreach benefit the guild that the character is in. In this way, I would hope to add some guild benefit to having a character with high favor.
Now, as is, a character gains favor across the various houses of Stormreach by completing quests for said house on higher difficulties. As we do so, our total favor across the city goes up, as shown in our total favor. A higher level of total favor benefits the player: drow race, favored soul class, 32-point (champion) builds and tomes, etc.
Why not have these total favor levels also corrolate to the guild?
I propose having the major benchmarks of favor also reward the guild that the character is in. Thus, the guild is benefited by having, or aiding, a character gain renown across Stormreach.
I see no reason to change the current divisions: 400, 1750, 2500.
At each level, the characters guild would be rewarded with a number of renown. 400 would be relatively low, as it is certainly easy to obtain. Perhaps 500 renown points. 1750 is certainly more difficult, and would be rewarded with a higher number, say 5,000. As 2500 is the current highest level of favor renown, it should also grant the highest amount of guild renown, say 25,000.
Given the current spread between higher levels of guild renown, this isn't game breaking but provides a real benefit.
If a character leaves a guild, the guild renown would go down, though not extremely.
So there you go. The exact favor levels, or guild renown points, are certainly not concrete suggestions. But I think the overall idea has merit, as it prevents the more serious griefing issues identified elsewhere and has a real life practicality about it. It also serves as a way to reward guilds with characters who have been around for a while and have accumulated that past history with the city.
It's my 2pp.