Ok, here we go. As per previous instructions, I would appreciate all new guild information being sent to me via PM here on the forums.
My goal is to keep this Guildlisting as orderly and user-friendly as possible. So, please refer to the above sentence and do NOT post in this thread. Please and thank you. Also, if anyone happens through the Guildlistings and notices an error, please let me know ASAP via PM and I will correct it.
If possible, please include this format in the PM, so all the listings have the same basic appearance.
Author's note: Okie dokie, thanks for your patience. Consider the listings open again...please PM updates as needed. I will be updating the messages I've received over the next few weeks.
The Final Brigade
Guild Leader: Roju (Rojju, Karnack) Guild Successor - Hucklebilly (Woozel, Parnter, Hossrunner)
Guild Contact: Any Guild Officer (Insert up to 5 primary names if you like)
Guild Website: The Final Brigade (URL here as well)
Guild Size: 275+ Members, 250 Fairly Active Members
Guild Type: Casual, All Ages
Guild Slogan: "No Man Is Left Behind." -- Someone named Roju.
Guild Description: Very laid back guild, does quest together quiet a bit and knows how to have fun when the time calls for it!
Guild Time Zone: N/A
Last Updated By/On: Kurlore (please link to your User CP and save me the trouble) on (I'll insert date) 05/23/2008[/QUOTE]