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Hey. What can I say. I'm not a troll(well maybe a little). or a rep farmer(well maybe a little). My thoughts......
Is the end in sight? What do I mean by that? Do I mean an end to nerfs? There hasn't been any nerfing from the latest mod, hel*, or previous mods, can't be that. All for the betterment of the game.
Do I mean the end of lag in DDO? No. The last shroud run I ran was filled with lag, from part 1, right to the end of part 5. Never seen it so bad since U5. Just ran a VOD, same bullsh*t as always, lag galore! But it never has been or will be from now on, according to our online masters! The same as I can remember since, I can't recall.
Maybe I'm talking about the end of throwing my money at a company that doesn't give a rat's *ss about it's costumers. Yeah, that's it.
Why the lies? Haven't seen an improvement in this game for a loooooooooooooooong time. Just more getting boned, spend your TP's on fixing your toons that have been pushed over the stump, kind of stuff.
Well, I'm going to be maybe the first(probably not) to say this game has gone in the sh*tter over the last 2 years, from the vast and mysterious(sorry about your little tiff with Atari, not my problem), to the latest promise of fixing lag, only costing you your left arm(mention for TWF's) for nothing in return.
Tired of the bullsh*t from Turbine. The game is broken. Why would a company spend money to improve a game that so many people enjoy, without question? Whatever! I'm asking questions now. When do you plan on fixing this game once and for all? Or do you? Is it a matter or how many people do we let go before we improve it enough to stop the mass exodus, for now? Or is the unquestioning F2P players turnstile going to keep you afloat? 1 in, 1 out, no net loss.
From my post, I hope you good people at Turbine can see I'm just about done, and when I say done, I don't just mean being a VIP, but playing your game in general(I won't be re-subbing, or paying to play). Don't worry, already paid for the guildships in advance out of my own pocket. I think I have enought TP's to pay for the upgrade in astral diamonds for the big guildship on my own. Sorry, no money to be made there.
The jist of this thread, FIX LAG! QUIT SCREWING AROUND! Open up your bandwith, rewrite some or all of your code to make it run smoother, invest your mass wealth in some new servers. The line of we have invested in new servers don't cut it! You can't throw $50 at a $500 problem and expect it to go away!
In closing, I'm not trolling. don't care to hear about the door hitting my as* on the way out. Hey, I have enjoyed the game for 4 years. But enough is enough. In the same way I feel sorry for typewriter companies that have gone ti*'s up due to the PC and printer. If you don't want to invest in your product, you will go by the wayside.
Nothing in life is about pure profit. Put some of your mass wealth back into the game and people who pay for it, directly or indirectly, and enjoy it.
You want my stuff? Ask me in October when my sub runs out. May or may not be on between then and now.
Hope those guys talking about putting Forgotten Realms aren't as big as a bunch of boneheads as I've read about.
You want my business, show me you care about me.
Comments, thoughts, suggestions? Fire away! Or just throw rep, pos or neg. Why do I care.