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  1. #1
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Default A powergamer with a ranger with 8 con, weapon focus slashing, eschew materials, ect.

    running around doing lowbie quests with my level 5 bard i noticed our level 7 drow ranger kept going down like a soccer player taking a dive every time there was combate. Talking to him i asked him some info on his build.

    Apparently he started with 8 constitution cause he needed points for intelligence and charisma. Um ok, what feats did you get? oh i got weapon focus slashing cause thats a must, eschew materials because thats a must for any caster, and slicing blow because its awesome.

    I said why didnt you get more con at least to 12 and toughness cause you get a lot of hp and makes you less squishy. Oh hes a power gamer from P&P he knows what he is doing. I mentioned why get eschewed materials? I got a level 14 ranger and material componants are no problem for me. Oh hes going to save bucket loads of gold, i said well gold you can get, but feats are limmited. No they are not!! he says splash fighter and you get all the feats in the world. Slicing blow you know you can get something like that on weapons and it wont take a feat? Also a lot of things are immune undead constructs ect. Oh why wait for a weapon when you can take it as a feat? he says.

    Well he had all the answers so i asked him what his final build would be cause i need all the advice i can get from a power gamer expert like him. Well hes going to be a ranger 14/ fighter 5/ paladin 1. Apparently hes going to be super uber with smites manyshot and two weapon fighting using longswords.

    Just one question I asked how did you get drow? He brought it apparently, I thought so. Note to self stay away from having this powerbouse in my party in the future. Level 7 with 50 odd hp and an ac of 17.

  2. #2
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    At first i thought he was joking and pulling my leg but he was serious. I also said to try out build ideas on the forums ect, but he said he knows so much about d&d he doesnt need to.

  4. #4
    Community Member Xeraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    At first i thought he was joking and pulling my leg but he was serious. I also said to try out build ideas on the forums ect, but he said he knows so much about d&d he doesnt need to.
    Ok... here's what you do: Put him on the "Friends" list. Avoid him when he is online and if he joins your group, take the star or inform the leader of his uber opinions. If the leader keeps him, just drop.

    I hate putting up my own LFMs... people expect me to babysit.

    I don't babysit.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    n00b with n00bsauce on top and n00bcake for dessert. Please pm me his name and server so I can add him to my "friends" list. People with that kind of attitude don't deserve a chance from me. I'm as familiar as someone can be with P&P unless you're Skip Williams. I have written over a dozen RPGA adventures, served as an editor for the RPGA, done playtesting for WotC, and attended at least 50 conventions where I served as a judge for D&D 3.5 adventures and tournaments. When I first played DDO, I instantly recognized that this was a very different game and that I would have a LOT to learn. Anyone who thinks experience with 3.5 gives you anything more than a basic understanding of the mechanics of DDO is kidding themselves. Not only that, but the player you described clearly does NOT have a good grasp of P&P. If he did, he'd know that even in P&P you do NOT skimp on Con.

  6. #6
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samthedagger View Post
    n00b with n00bsauce on top and n00bcake for dessert. Please pm me his name and server so I can add him to my "friends" list. People with that kind of attitude don't deserve a chance from me. I'm as familiar as someone can be with P&P unless you're Skip Williams. I have written over a dozen RPGA adventures, served as an editor for the RPGA, done playtesting for WotC, and attended at least 50 conventions where I served as a judge for D&D 3.5 adventures and tournaments. When I first played DDO, I instantly recognized that this was a very different game and that I would have a LOT to learn. Anyone who thinks experience with 3.5 gives you anything more than a basic understanding of the mechanics of DDO is kidding themselves. Not only that, but the player you described clearly does NOT have a good grasp of P&P. If he did, he'd know that even in P&P you do NOT skimp on Con.
    lost my way a bit on that wall but... don't say that. Everyone deserves a chance... that dude will probably figure out something is wrong... eventually, and will look it up and learn to be a better player given time.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KKDragonLord View Post
    lost my way a bit on that wall but... don't say that. Everyone deserves a chance... that dude will probably figure out something is wrong... eventually, and will look it up and learn to be a better player given time.
    And when he does, he'll reroll, so he will get a new chance when he builds a new character.

    But this type of player is more likely to simply /ragequit when he realizes how gimp he is and thus how "not D&D" this game is because obviously he is a master of D&D and his character building should be perfect if it were.

  8. #8
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    its not the mistakes that he made that annoyed me, everyone makes mistakes its how he just dismissed my advice out of hand that i found annoying. Esp after i told him I had a level 15 ranger, sure im no expert on the game. but at least you could think that i would know a little bit about the ranger class and how it plays after getting a toon to level 15.

  9. #9
    Community Member EKKM's Avatar
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    Similar story from yesterday. Was running Tor and had a few WF in the party. In party chat one (barb) says he is giving the sorc some repair wands to heal him. I think "that's a good sign, healing will be tough in here" (we started using a hireling).

    During the first fight I notice his HP dropping so I try to cast a heal on him from the hireling but it doesnt go off, I keep trying but he doesnt get healed and eventually dies. - turns out he has greater fortification (or whatever that feat is the means they can't be healed).

    We complete but end up wiping on the first dragon in part (not only) because he dies very early because the sorc who was trying to do FWs etc. on the dragon and couldn't keep wand whipping this guy all fight long.

    Two of us, myself included, suggested that he change that feat because it doesnt work well in PUGs. As he was unguilded he probably pugs a lot.

    The response "arcanes healing WF is part of the game" - further explanation that most fleshy sorcs will not be carrying repair - "well it is part of the game"

    Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
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  10. #10
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    in this group we had the same problem with a warforged monk, none of the healing enhancements and carried no repair potions or wands. The cleric and I had a hard time keeping him on his feet as well as the rest of our party inclueding the the uber drow ranger with 8 con. In fact the uber drow ranger spent 90% of the time dead or knocked out.

  11. #11
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    its not the mistakes that he made that annoyed me, everyone makes mistakes its how he just dismissed my advice out of hand that i found annoying. Esp after i told him I had a level 15 ranger, sure im no expert on the game. but at least you could think that i would know a little bit about the ranger class and how it plays after getting a toon to level 15.
    Yep, this is the main reason I want his name PM'd to me.

  12. #12
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    erm isnt it against the forum rules to pm names around? Anyway it should be easy to spot him how many drow rangers do you see who use only longswords?

  13. #13
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    PMing is fine. You just can't post the name in forum threads.

  14. #14
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    pm sent. Maybe after dieing repeatedly he will realise that something is wrong and will be more willing to take advice hopefully, same thing goes for the warforged monk. It was kind of humerous to an extent though to see the guy go down after two or three swings. And also for him to give me advice in party chat at how the feats eschew materials, weapon focus slashing, and sliceing blow are essential must haves to have a successful drow ranger.

  15. #15
    Community Member Suzaku's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samthedagger View Post
    If he did, he'd know that even in P&P you do NOT skimp on Con.
    My lvl 6+ Druid would like to have a word with you, even more so if she is lvl 8 or higher.
    Be careful what you say and how you say, especially when you add lib details. It come back and bite you...

  16. #16
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    Wild shape, along with polymorph and alternate form were errata'd to deal with the druid in permanent wild shape exploit. From the errata:

    Apply any changed physical ability score modifiers in
    all appropriate areas with one exception: the creature
    retains the hit points of its original form despite any
    change to its Constitution.
    So I maintain my position that you do NOT skimp on Con in P&P.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzaku View Post
    My lvl 6+ Druid would like to have a word with you, even more so if she is lvl 8 or higher.
    actually druids in P&P generally the 2 stats that matter to them, are wisdom and con, as written, you don't get the creatures HP so, a druid with 20 hp, turns into an animal with 20 hp. However in P&P it's much easier to have the option to not get hit.

  18. #18
    Community Member Suzaku's Avatar
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    Aside for events how many times has the been errata been used? Errata are like official house rules that not everyone uses... Each table the rules changes by intentions (house rules) or by accident (such as not knowing fumbles are house rules). One table the Errata could be used and in my case my druid whom doesn't use the Errata can use a dump stat. Now if I bring this druid to an event I might have to adjust con (because you can abuse other class features). RAW may state one way but RAP (rules as played) sometimes dictates something else. And since a human is designing encounters the DM could be providing water down encounters which could result in even 12 Con being over kill. If RAW is law then why bother playing any classes when you can just play Pun-Pun?

    Anyway there are ways to replace Con for hit points but you have to whip out some dragon mags, become undead etc.
    Last edited by Suzaku; 07-01-2010 at 12:54 AM.
    Be careful what you say and how you say, especially when you add lib details. It come back and bite you...

  19. #19
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzaku View Post
    Aside for events how many times has the been errata been used? Errata are like official house rules that not everyone uses... Each table the rules changes by intentions (house rules) or by accident (such as not knowing fumbles are house rules). One table the Errata could be used and in my case my druid whom doesn't use the Errata can use a dump stat. Now if I bring this druid to an event I might have to adjust con (because you can abuse other class features). RAW may state one way but RAP (rules as played) sometimes dictates something else. And since a human is designing encounters the DM could be providing water down encounters which could result in even 12 Con being over kill. If RAW is law then why bother playing any classes when you can just play Pun-Pun?

    Anyway there are ways to replace Con for hit points but you have to whip out some dragon mags, become undead etc.
    In a "normal" DND game with a "normal" DM you might not want to Dump stat con. I never do, but I don't always go mid to high on it either.

    And the fact that your "Druid doesn't use the errata" is a completely ridiculous thing to say. Just say you're part of one of two groups: One group uses the errata(Those who understand game balance). The other group doesn't use the errata(Those who could give a **** about balance and make the DM tailor his encounters)

    Not saying I won't tailor my encounters to fit a group of adventurers, but I usre as heck will go light on "fun" encounters if someone refuses to use the errata for a rule because "They don't like it"

    Oh and PM me the server and name pls OP
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  20. #20
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    what an idiot...everyone knows Drizzt used Scimitars...and all drow are cool rangers like drizzt.

    /sarcasm off

    I have read all the Salvatore books (and enjoyed them), but if really did lead to a LOT of Fanboi's (not naming anyone in particular).
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
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