running around doing lowbie quests with my level 5 bard i noticed our level 7 drow ranger kept going down like a soccer player taking a dive every time there was combate. Talking to him i asked him some info on his build.
Apparently he started with 8 constitution cause he needed points for intelligence and charisma. Um ok, what feats did you get? oh i got weapon focus slashing cause thats a must, eschew materials because thats a must for any caster, and slicing blow because its awesome.
I said why didnt you get more con at least to 12 and toughness cause you get a lot of hp and makes you less squishy. Oh hes a power gamer from P&P he knows what he is doing. I mentioned why get eschewed materials? I got a level 14 ranger and material componants are no problem for me. Oh hes going to save bucket loads of gold, i said well gold you can get, but feats are limmited. No they are not!! he says splash fighter and you get all the feats in the world. Slicing blow you know you can get something like that on weapons and it wont take a feat? Also a lot of things are immune undead constructs ect. Oh why wait for a weapon when you can take it as a feat? he says.
Well he had all the answers so i asked him what his final build would be cause i need all the advice i can get from a power gamer expert like him. Well hes going to be a ranger 14/ fighter 5/ paladin 1. Apparently hes going to be super uber with smites manyshot and two weapon fighting using longswords.
Just one question I asked how did you get drow? He brought it apparently, I thought so. Note to self stay away from having this powerbouse in my party in the future. Level 7 with 50 odd hp and an ac of 17.