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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Trap recipies + tactics

    10 mechanical parts + 10 spell scrolls +10 magical parts = 5 "tier 1 spell traps", according to Sully's trapmaking books.

    Made ? "tier 2" spell traps with this-

    10 Scrolls( Glitterdust) +10 mechanical parts + 25 magical parts = 5 traps.
    That's an unlisted recipe.

    Tested it- the trap released a cloud just like the spell, lasting about 30 seconds. 1 out of 3 mobs caught in direct blast radius was blinded. Presumably, the AOE would affect more mobs if they blunder through the resulting cloud?
    1/3 is disappointing, as it was tested on CR4 gargoyles.

    What are the limits on the number of magical parts usable, and what are the benefits of using more?
    Or, do you need 10 parts for a level 1 spell scroll, vs more for a higher level scroll?

    Presumably, once they pass the save, mobs become immune to more Glitterdust traps in the same area. So, maybe laying out Blindness traps ( Will save instead of Fort) in addition would be a better plan? Getting Blinded mobs would be a huge help to any soloing Rogue.

  2. #2
    Community Member Meru_Lee's Avatar
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    I find with the spell scroll traps, it's just easier to use the scrolls if you have UMD. I made a grease trap, it took 10 scrolls to make 5 traps that act exactly as the spell. I have a 110% chance to activate a scroll, so it's much more effective just to use the scroll and make it go off when u want it to.

    As trap recipes though, currently I am trying to make the strongest grenades. which is like 150 trap parts + 250 siberys shards + unadorned vials + a strong soul gem if i remember correctly. Anyone got any clue as to what type of soul gem i need? so far i only have strong earth soul gems and strong air.. neither of them are quite working for me. I'm wondering if i'm missing something there

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Wasn't the trap DC something based off of your DD. If so it could actually allow an abnormally high DC on low level spells, would also be interesting to see if something like hold person, suggestion etc... would be possible, course the re-occurring theme of the current ones that have succeeded is lingering aoe's, still a dancing sphere trap would be pretty amusing.
    Last edited by MyersVandalay; 06-30-2010 at 04:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member CuteCorpseAlex's Avatar
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    For the fire grenades you need a fire soul gem... what I'm trying to find is, what type of soul gem is needed for a sonic type trap?

    And also, the spell DC's aren't affected by your DD, it's just the DC of the scroll, many suggested that they base it off of your UMD skill...

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    A summary to what Scully's notes say the recipes are, as follows:
    gernade (parts here are fire, cold, acid, etc. not the mechanical ones)
    weakest gernades: 10 parts + 10 crude vials=10 weak gernades
    weak gernades: 25 parts +10 siberys dragonshards + 10 crude vials= 10 intermediate gernades
    soul gem gernades: 50 parts+ weak elemental soul gem + 50 siberys dragonshards + 10 simple vials=10 slightly stronger gernades
    soul gem gernade 2: 75 parts + 100 siberys dragonshards + normal trapped ele soul + 10 simple vials= 10 strong gernades
    soul gem gernade 3: 100 parts + 250 siberys dragonshards + Strong ele soul + 10 unadorned vials= 10 strongest gernades

    noisemaker= 25 mechanical parts= x amount of mines
    other mines use same amount as gernades execpt mechanical parts are used instead of vials not sure on the #'s yet, might be 10, could be 25, and they might only make 5 mines

    magic mines
    only level 1-3 scrolls can be used and only ones with an effect like sleep, glitterdust,web,etc.
    1st magic mines:10 magical parts + 10 mechanical parts + 10 scrolls= 5 spell traps
    2nd magic mines: x magical parts + x mechanical parts + x scrolls= x spell traps
    3rd magic mines: x magical parts + x mechanical parts + x scrolls= x spell traps
    according to sully's guide it'll just be the magical trap parts that are increased, also says the spell is cast from the scroll, so it'll use the scrolls save

    All gernade recipe's make 10 gernades and all mine recipe's make 5. It has been pointed out that some of the recipes that game gives you like the 10 cold parts +10 mechanical=10 weak cold mines is a typo, and only gives 5 mines.
    As far as the number of trap pieces you get when you disable a trap, it looks like it ranges from 1-10, at least from what i've found so far. I've been running the Hiding in plain sight quest on Elite and hitting the first 4 traps, although i did find a fifth trap once, it seems the one i have as the 3rd trap sometimes doesnt spawn or gets moved. But here is the numbers from my 5 runs
    1st trap gave me 9 acid parts, then 9, 0, 0, 1.
    2nd trap gave me 9 mechanical parts then 6, 8, 4, 9
    3rd trap gave me 3 fire parts, then 0, then trap wasnt there, trapped moved down farther and went from being the dart trap to being a bladed trap and it gave me 8 mechanical parts then it spawned as the dart trap again and gave me 3 fire parts
    4th trap gave me 8 mechanical parts then 9, 4, 1, 10
    these #'s may or may not change depending on assassin rogue vs. mechanic same with for DD # and level of the character. Mine is 20 assassin 3, with 49DD+ 7 for lockpick. So if a mechanic rogue would like to run Hips 5 times and record and post their #'s and what they have found that would be great.
    Last edited by lord_odin; 07-03-2010 at 07:02 PM.

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