10 mechanical parts + 10 spell scrolls +10 magical parts = 5 "tier 1 spell traps", according to Sully's trapmaking books.

Made ? "tier 2" spell traps with this-

10 Scrolls( Glitterdust) +10 mechanical parts + 25 magical parts = 5 traps.
That's an unlisted recipe.

Tested it- the trap released a cloud just like the spell, lasting about 30 seconds. 1 out of 3 mobs caught in direct blast radius was blinded. Presumably, the AOE would affect more mobs if they blunder through the resulting cloud?
1/3 is disappointing, as it was tested on CR4 gargoyles.

What are the limits on the number of magical parts usable, and what are the benefits of using more?
Or, do you need 10 parts for a level 1 spell scroll, vs more for a higher level scroll?

Presumably, once they pass the save, mobs become immune to more Glitterdust traps in the same area. So, maybe laying out Blindness traps ( Will save instead of Fort) in addition would be a better plan? Getting Blinded mobs would be a huge help to any soloing Rogue.