I'm looking to outfit my cap'd Rogue, and figuring out what DPS gear set he'd like to run with. I run everything through and including ToD, but I'm not running epics regularly enough to really consider any of that in my gearset.
Eyes - Tharne's Goggles ( SA +5, TS, search +15, spot +15, TW )
Head - Minos Legens ( toughness, heavy fort )
Neck - Shintao Cord ( +6 CON, SM )
Trkt - Bloodstone ( +6 Seeker )
Back - GS Cloak ( +45 HP, +6 DEX skills, Air/Air/Air )
Belt - Knost's Belt ( +6 CON, GFL, FB )
Ring - Encrusted Ring ( +6 STR, +1 eSTR, FB )
Ring - Kyosho's Ring ( +6 WIS, +1 eSTR, SM )
Hands - Spectral Gloves ( +2 Comp to-hit, +5 DEX, Ghost Touch )
Boots - Madstone Boots
Wrst - Tharne's Bracers ( +6 AC, +6 DEX, TW )
Armr - DT ( Resist +5, +6 CHA, Destruction ) - Other options include ( Excep Int Skills +3, GFL / eINT +1, eCON +1 / Smiting )
Other items I'll have available:
Triple Positive Boots ( +1/2/3 cha skills, true resurrection 1/day )
Triple Negative Gloves ( immunities )
Seven-Fingered Gloves ( +5 UMD )
+6 CHA
Mechanic's Set
Assassin's Set
Also considering moving GFL to the DT armor, and getting Ravager's Belt/Ring instead of FB - but that loses me +5 to all saves, for a rather meager DPS increase.
Thanks for your time in reading this. Any thoughts or suggestions?