I have been having a blast playing my Ranger/Rogue (currently lvl 10). I took a lot of advice in creation, and one of them was the usual selection of kopesh feat for max dps.
I have had a change of heart.
I find that the 'max dps' build just doesn't fit this character's personality. This is not an end-game toon, and frankly I'm not interested in grouping where my weapon choice is a deal breaker. This guy was built for slow play and adventuring. I am using him to learn the quests as well as the dynamics of both solo and group play. I find that I want nostalgia, and I want a look, and also that I don't really want to re-roll. Everything is awesome about the versatility of this build except for my choice in weapons.
So let's talk feat swapping. If I were to ditch the kopesh proficiency feat, what direction should I take?
Options/questions I have in my head are currently:
1. Go longsword and put the feat into Skill Focus: UMD (one of the optionals in tihocan's tempest build). If not UMD, which feat?
2. Go bastard sword and just trade one exotic for another that fits the character better.
3. If I'm not interested in max dps, could I reasonably expect to get by without having to carry two longswords or two bastard swords into my mid-upper levels without being too nerfed? This would free up yet another feat (OTWF)
Thanks for taking the time to read -- I look forward to your comments/criticisms.