ITT people with poor social skills get irritated when strangers talk to them. News at 11.
Blind invites: bad.
A tell askin if you wanna do a quest: not any sort of issue at all.
It's really not that hard. Just say "yes" or "no".
ITT people with poor social skills get irritated when strangers talk to them. News at 11.
Blind invites: bad.
A tell askin if you wanna do a quest: not any sort of issue at all.
It's really not that hard. Just say "yes" or "no".
I have to admit, when I get a blind tell, I'm just so relieved that it isn't a blind invite i'm usually happy to answer no thanks.
Most of the time, they reply saying, "np, thanks for replying." which means that most of the tells come back unanswered.
Also, I'm in no hurry to answer the tell. If I'm fighting or doing anything at all, I finish the fight and wait for a quiet moment. Sometimes I forget to reply at all. Oh well.
Blind Invites, otoh, get a long lecture from me. I sometimes accuse them of making me die and start demanding they pay my repair bill or something like that. Thankfully, it doesn' t happen much anymore.
When I'm looking over my wife's shoulder, it's not the screen that has my attention
I think Sarlona has gotten better at not sending out blind invites. I know it's been a long time since I got one, which is kinda sad actually.
I used to get a kick out of accepting the blind invite, then watch the Party chat for fun while I continue on my soloing way. The last time it happened, the party members found out why we say you don't need a cleric for most of the content!
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
hot n h0rny shroud kids looking to make that first gs wep are kinda funny tho. Can you really blame them? I was stoked when i made my first gs wep. It is one of the high points of the Journey to level 20.
I do not mind the tells. i just reply "no thx, maybe nother time" only time i get kinda mad is when i get a tell in group. Or when i decline a invite and they just keep sending the same message spamming every cleric/fvs on the server, Thats kinda lame.
What really gets em going is late late at night. When a group keeps spamming you to heal their shroud run.. go to meridia when ya see the full group with no healers waiting outside entrance. Start spam healing them and teasing em. """" I can mass heal, I can burst heal, nah nah nah nah nah . Who is the spammer now you lil bastards"""" This will stop those random invites and tells. from that group anyway. lol
You don't have to "play 3 years and have a couple of healers under your belt". That is not the issue. Being new doesn't take away my credibility nor my right to present an opinion here.
What's wrong with receiving a tell and saying "nty"? If anything, it shows that you're a bigger person and it's faster than trying to type "/squelch *name*". For goodness sake, it is a tell, not an invite.
I can understand that it bugs you when that person continuously sends you tells. But this is not the case here.
Last edited by Rowan00; 06-30-2010 at 06:49 PM.
The problem though, is getting 5-10 of them ( from different peeps ) before you can even move ( while your lists are populating ) as soon as you log onto a healer.
Hell yeah; It's annoying.
We can see the LFM panel just fine. If we wanted to join your <insert raid looking for healer-type here>, we would send a request. It's that simple.
Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
Proud officer of :Archmagi
Honest question:
Is it that hard to toggle /anon
on and off between things?
Or, truthfully, do you actually really like the attention?
I toggle /anon when I am in a group so I do not get bugged, or when I am selling, shopping, afk'ing, whatever.
Then simply toggle again before I ask to join a pug or if I am 'open for business'
(not that I am at all popular or in demand like the cool kids, just sayin)
Pretty sure you are on your guild list whether anonymous or not, so if it really does bug you, why not go off the who list?
With anon, friends cannot locate you via /who or the friends tab. Thats a pain.
Anon should not be needed, I should be able to play my toon without anon on and not have to worry about blind tells while im raid healing, with the original sender getting more and more spamming because I dont take the time to respond.
Whats even more annoying? The idiots who send those tells like "Hey bro, wanna come raid heal for us?", cos it shows familiarity, and then I have to reply "Who is this?". I get a response "no one you know, just need someone to heal a Tempest Spine".
[Kranix of Argonnessen] [co-Founder of Novus Vinco ] [Officer of House of Mangar]
[Kranixx 5th Life 26 PaleMaster] [Krandozer 5th Life 28 Human Tank]
Yeah, it is.
Blind tells are not a big deal for me because I'm a new player who only has a level 8 FvS, so I don't get a lot of /tells anyway, but it is hard to remember to toggle /anon. Every once in a while, I end up running the Shroud with my Royal Guard Mask on instead of my Minos Legens. I wonder why everything is hitting me harder than usual and then at the end of the raid, I notice... oh.
If there's a one-time thing you could do to be anonymous to the people that you don't care about while being visible to the people you like, that would be fine. That's not how anonymous works, though.
I don't have a problem with getting a /tell. I don't have problems with sending a /tell. I'm always polite when I send them, though, and I use complete sentences, though, and I understand why people would be unhappy with "/t healbotlarry shroud". How about:
/t healbotlarry we're waiting for a healer for the Shroud. Any chance you're available?
I rarely pug, I mostly solo and sometimes run with a guild but pugging makes up... maybe 5% of my gaming.
I never, ever.... evereverever accept blind invites and I never ever join a group that sends me a tell. Im always polite with the tells saying no thank you and never get into a row over them. I wouldnt squelch anyone for it... in fact ive never squelched anyone at all but thats just me.
I rarely get asked now. Maybe once per log in. I like it like this. If i want to group, it usually means I cant solo a quest or no guildies to help me so I will wait fo an LFM to come up.
I solo, my guildies can ask me but other then that, if i want to run with you put up your lfm and I will decide myself. If im not running <insert whichever quest your looking to fill> that means one of a few things.
A. Im doing a different quest already.
B. Im doing admin and not running Q's atm.
C. Im about to start a run, or join a guild group.
I can't believe some of the responses on this thread. Its plain and simple, they have more than one way for people to show that they are interested in joining a group. They have the "looking for group" flag and they have the advertising for group. If you are just blindly sending tells to people then you are begging to get a rude response as most people are going to use these methods if they really want to group. I won't answer these people anymore because I have had nothing but bad experiences with my favoured soul as most people are just looking for a heal bot to follow them around and keep them healed. I had someone send me a tell the other day saying he was doing redwillow and wanted me to come along. Nothing else was said. I normally don't respond to these but I wasn't doing anything and decided to go against my better judgement. I made my way to the quest and sat there for awhile and then here comes this same guy saying "I see you carry a greatsword (I am WF), are you a dedicated healer?" I answered "I can heal fine but I am not dedicated." Two seconds later I am dropped from group. I can assure you I reported the guy and let him know I what I thought of him wasting my time when he could have asked the question from the get go or even better yet, not send out random tells. This is a prime example of why others do not like random invites, too many people who are jerks and don't care because they hide behind the internet.
Hey Guys here is how i think on it and how i handel it.
If my Helar get a blind Inv close it if i have the Time i send a Tell to the player and make sure he knows that the next Blind inv get him a place on the ignore list. Tell incuding one word like "Shroud" i dont even answer to. Tell like "Hey mate we do XXXXX need another Healer or fine ( when i am not in Party ) They will get a answer like aes or no or sorry timerd.
Other Side i do a Quest/Raid and Lfm is up 15 mins no one joins the i Start to send Tells her is how it normaly works: " Hey Mate we do XXXX want to join us maybe?" If i get a Yes its fine if i get a No or noty i send a Tell " Tyvm answer have fun" If i get no answer at all i just go on but neer send a second Tell. Works Fine for me and i Think for most on Cannith too.
Ther are 2 thing that can happen, i look on the Who list see afree player and send a tell then i see he grouped in the mean time. If this happens i send another tell whit a "Sorry did not see u in party have fun" no matter if he response or not just to make sure i am not a spammer. Another thing happens some times is, that even if i have the Star some guys in party did send out Tells already if i get a response even a rude i tell the Player that i am sorry and go on, for those who send no response and think i am rude a Sorry here at this place.
Have Fun and try to PUG more its fun ( somtimes )
Leader of The Cheeky People on Cannith
Alts: Groshy, Fattwig, Hotpants, Gimpo, Quintara, Shorttwig, Wulfbrann, Hackandslay and Freki