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  1. #1
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    Thumbs down New Master's Touch who the BLEEP though this was a good idea?!?

    Level 12 warchanter, usual golf bag full of weapons:
    Falchions: Vorpal, paralyzer, frost+pure good, holy burst + slowburst
    Greatswords: Adamantine, smiting
    Mauls: Ghost touch+pure good, true chaos+improved destruction, true chaos+greater elemental bane

    The new Master's Touch spell enchants the currently held weapon so every time I switch to a new weapon I need to recast the spell?!? And for the same SP cost as the original that granted full marital weapon proficiency!

    Who thought that was a good idea?

    A bit of lag during buffing I could handle, this is just stupid.

    I guess "take a level of barbarian" is an answer but I didn't want to multiclass this character.

    Yet another Update 5 fail...

  2. #2
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    yes this change makes me not want to play my bard or my WF wizard.

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  3. #3
    Community Member basketaske's Avatar
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    Actually, I do believe that was the community's suggestion. I don't remember who exactly though, but I suspect knowing that wouldn't make a difference anyway. Something about getting all weapon proficiencies at once, not being good.
    Working crafted handwraps, that would be nice. Anytime soon.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketaske View Post
    Actually, I do believe that was the community's suggestion. I don't remember who exactly though, but I suspect knowing that wouldn't make a difference anyway. Something about getting all weapon proficiencies at once, not being good.
    yeah but imo it should have been something like the elemental resistance spell categories.

    all greatswords
    all greataxes
    all mauls
    all battleaxes
    all younameit

    and not just the one weapon you are currently wielding. thats ok for lategame when you are probably only using a minII or lightningII weapon anyway...
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketaske View Post
    Actually, I do believe that was the community's suggestion. I don't remember who exactly though, but I suspect knowing that wouldn't make a difference anyway. Something about getting all weapon proficiencies at once, not being good.
    Suggestion was to do something about huge lag spike you get when MT expires. There was no suggestion to change spell in such a way that its useless.

    Players just wanted that Turbine does what it should do, what people are paying for. A working server.

  6. #6
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    Heh. One would think it would be easier to have it work as a +4 to hit buff, rather than granting a feat at all.

  7. #7
    Community Member Crystalizer's Avatar
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    that spell has been severely gimped with the update, especially considering that builds using this spell generally also use divine power clickies, not a good idea at all to me
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  8. #8
    Community Member Articus's Avatar
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    Has noone else noticed a lag spike associated with every weapon swap after casting Master's Touch?

    For me that's the real issue. Yes, now I must cast Master's more times, (I'm irked but)fine whatever.

    If, the original intent was to remove the 5-15 sec. lag spike associated with Master's Touch being applied/removed. Then, I don't see how a .5 - 1.5 sec. spike with every weapon swap is better. Now it costs more to cover the same weapons, AND we get lag anytime we are so foolish as to swap weapon sets. (a small amount yes, but this, then, didn't address the lagginess of the spell, it just redistibuted it over the entire cast timer.)

    (I have noticed this behavior on Lammania and Live. Once something has MT cast on it, even a swap from a MT'ed weapon to a non-MT'ed weapon will produce this. Try it from MT to MT and the lag is slightly worse.)
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketaske View Post
    Actually, I do believe that was the community's suggestion. I don't remember who exactly though, but I suspect knowing that wouldn't make a difference anyway. Something about getting all weapon proficiencies at once, not being good.
    The community suggested they fix the MT lag, not nerf it to uselessness.

  10. #10
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    I hate the new master's touch and could deal with the lag before. In fact, the lag reminded me it was time to recast my buffs.

    That said, master's touch isn't useless. It's just an obnoxious mechanic now.

  11. #11
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    My ideas:

    Yes they were posted on the Lam section but fell on deaf ears.

  12. #12
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Spam posting across multiple forums will not help.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MateCarefor View Post
    Heh. One would think it would be easier to have it work as a +4 to hit buff, rather than granting a feat at all.
    I thought about that, too. Question is: How does the game tell when to turn the +4 on or off? My bards shouldn't get it with their rapiers, and no one should get it with a khopesh. The deciding factor is whether a character already has a proficiency and whether Master's Touch is supposed to grant a proficiency. The solution needs to identify weapon proficiencies one way or other.

    Hopefully, the clever programmers at Turbine can figure out a way for the engine to QUICKLY apply these +4 bonuses. If adding and removing feats is too slow, maybe they can figure out a quick way to add the bonuses more directly. Here's to hoping.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorbadoc View Post
    I thought about that, too. Question is: How does the game tell when to turn the +4 on or off? My bards shouldn't get it with their rapiers, and no one should get it with a khopesh. The deciding factor is whether a character already has a proficiency and whether Master's Touch is supposed to grant a proficiency. The solution needs to identify weapon proficiencies one way or other.

    Hopefully, the clever programmers at Turbine can figure out a way for the engine to QUICKLY apply these +4 bonuses. If adding and removing feats is too slow, maybe they can figure out a quick way to add the bonuses more directly. Here's to hoping.
    Someone else suggested this but I don't remember who, and it seemed like a very simple solution. You cast Master's Touch. Every time you equip a new weapon, the game checks two things: First, is the player proficient with this weapon? If yes do nothing. If no, is the player wielding a weapon of type Simple or Martial? If no do nothing; if yes the player receives +4 to hit. It sounds simple, but then my only programming experience was a little meddling in high school.
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  15. #15
    Community Member ArloOne's Avatar
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    Cool I am peturbed as well!

    I personally have never noticed any lag spiking while using Masters Touch. The DPS my wiz/rog puts out while it is on , is MEH!
    Now, I find the spell to be a real pain in the arse. I don't even consider casting it now.

    I personally hope it gets changed back to the way it was previous.

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  16. #16
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Trouble is, I have no idea how the game checks all this stuff. I know the programming is sophisticated enough to check attack bonus on an ongoing basis (or, at least, it manages to toggle the running penalty pretty well). If checking that stuff were simple and fast, I doubt we would be having this conversation.

    Or maybe it's a simple task that just requires a lot of hours of poring over code, and Turbine's too cheap to pay for it. I dunno, and I have no way of telling.

  17. #17
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    Masters touch was useful in many ways b4 they nerfed I liked the ability I had to cast it b4 I shopped in the pawns or the auction house as I could instantly see if I didnt meet the umd or alignment; that was nice but I could really live with out that eventhough I will still miss that benifit.
    The timer is now missing from the screen, this makes it real tough to know its still active. I now have to cast it everytime I switch a weapon set this makes using it in combat with a group almost impossible as I cant switch from a paralizing to a dps weapon to another weapon like banishing with out re casting the spell on the fly.
    There has to be a better solution to make this work and solve lag. A solution could be to go back to the way it was. Or make masters touch have a drop down like teleport or resist energy spell where I could hot bar the martial weapon I wanted to buff, then I could add this to my prebuff list and run a quest with out having to cast it in combat (unless it timed out) this isnt the best solution because I will burn up alot of sp casting this on short sword, great sword, and light pick (I am sure there are alot of other players that would be upset casting it multiple times too). Better yet make it where it was cast on myself and then granted the ability as that weapon became equipped. Please fix this to make it more friendly to use and give us a timer back on our screen!

  18. #18
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    It's like wishing for a new house from a djinni who creates it on top of your head.

    I would have gone for keeping the spell active, but taking twice as long as a proficient meleer to equip a different weapon.

    /implement fail

  19. #19
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    Well, there is ANOTHER hot fix today. Who knows, maybe they'll fix it!

    Will look into the beholder thing. Not sure if it'll clear the magic off the weapon too. I'll go play around in Invaders later and see what happens.

    Pre-buffing every weapon I think I'll need on a quest is going to be irritating and will cut down the SP I want to use to keep Haste, Rage and Focusing Chant up all the time.

    Next level is going to be Barbarian so I don't have to deal with it any more. I want to keep having fun on my Warchanter and right now having to micro manage weapons buffs is NOT fun.

  20. #20
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    For whatever it's worth, the spell is now working as it does in PnP. Casting one spell to gain proficiency with all martial weapons is very, very powerful.

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