Hi all,
I am new to the rogue path and so probably might have made silly mistakes. Now I can't quite decide what to do and so is seeking help
Let me state what I like to have. As a rogue I'd like to search and disable most traps in elite (unless the most insanely high ones), and having a chance to roll for a success even in epic might be great.
I also want to contribute by dealing dmg, and some spells.
Currently I am Halfling Rogue 6/ Ftr 1 (Ftr for the toughness feat and enhancements).
My base stat is
Str 10
Dex 18 (+1 from lvl)
Con 14 (edit: i made a mistake stating it's 16, but the base i have is 14 only)
Int 16 (but i just got a +2 int tome, so it's 18 now)
Will 8
Cha 8
I have maxed search unlock and disable for now, and can do most elite quests of slightly above my lvl with no fail of traps even rolling 1 (and I have the feat Nimble Finger too).
By now the only problem i have experienced is a Fire elemental boss in House K (the one spawning on a fire jet guarded chest), as I can't get thru his DR at all.
And I also found that with my CHA 8 i can never get a high enough UMD for no fail Rez and Heal.
So I am wondering when I level, shall I put the points to
(1) DEX (for better attack as I miss quite often, though I think I can get more dex from erogue and halfling enhancements instead);
(2) CHA (to boost my UMD, as I have a rank of only 8 by now... but will i make it to a no-fail Rez and Heal anyway? or shall I go for Halfling dragonmark of Heal, and forget the Rez spell....)
(3) STR (to help with my burden carrying as I often get close to medium load, and help hitting mob)
Btw the feats I have taken so far is Weapon Finesse, Toughness, Nimble fingers, twf
Thanks all for your help in advance!