Given the boost to staff fighting in update 5 I would like to make this character. Race preference halfling, but drow and elf could work if they are better.
What I would like (selfishly) first is for people to tell me that this will be a decent character (do rogue stuff, traps, and be an asset in combat, decent damage and not soak up heals like many rogues I group with do). Second I would like some character builds (32 point) for this. (Staying pure rogue isn't necessary, but preferred). Whichever of the three races I mentioned is the most optimal is preferred. When in doubt go with the optimal over flavor.
Please feel free to be honest and tell me that this won't be as good as another build, but remember that pure damage isn't as much of a concern to me as true helpfulness. If a dual wielding rapier user does 20% more damage, but also soaks up 20% more heals then really you didn't gain that much.
I read the forums a lot, including the Revisiting Character Paths thread and other character builds. I am relatively new to ddo, but I do know a few things and I play quite a lot.
Basically I like my characters to be iconic and very useful to a group, I am close to what you would call a power gamer as long as its thematic.