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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default The Whirling Tempest (12 Ranger / 7 Monk / 1 Rogue)

    This build is a work in progress. Revision 1 - 7/2 It is not newbie friendly, requiring 36 build points and several +3 and +4 tomes. This build is inspired by the exploiter, but redesigned to offer a playstyle that would be more fun for me. It is almost certain that this build is NOT as powerful as the exploiter, while performing many similar functions.

    Whirling Tempest
    Level 20 Lawful Neutral Elf Female
    (12 Ranger / 7 Monk / 1 Rogue)

    Strength 17 (42 = 17 base + 5 levels + 4 tome + 7 item +3 exceptional + 2 rams + 2 sun stance + 2 rage)
    Dexterity 16 (32 = 16 base + 5 enhancements + 4 tome + 7 item)
    Constitution 12 (24 = 12 base + 4 tome + 6 item + 2 exceptional)
    Intelligence 13 (22 = 13 base + 3 tome + 6 item)
    Wisdom 14 (28 = 14 base + 2 enhancements + 4 tome + 6 item + 3 exceptional - 1 baphomet)
    Charisma 8 (16 = 8 base + 3 tome + 6 item - 1 baphomet)

    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
    +3 Tome of Charisma used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 11
    +4 Tome of Strength used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Dexterity used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Constitution used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Wisdom used at level 15

    Level Progression
    Rogue, Monk, Ranger, Ranger, Monk, Ranger, Ranger, Monk, Ranger, Ranger, Monk...etc

    This alternating progression is more of a pain in the ass to level, but pays dividends at 20 because of higher skills. Take UMD/disable/search on ranger levels, concentration/balance on monk levels.

    Feats (in order taken)
    Power Attack (monk bonus)
    Favored Enemy: Undead
    Toughness (monk bonus)
    Spring Attack
    Path of Inevitable Dominion (monk path)
    Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
    Least Dragonmark of Shadow
    Improved Critical: Piercing
    Lesser Dragonmark of Shadow
    Combat Expertise (monk bonus)
    Extend Spell

    52 Balance (20 ranks + 11 dexterity +2 ninja spy + 15 item + 4 greater heroism)
    51 Concentration (23 ranks + 7 constitution + 15 item + 4 greater heroism + 2 enhancements)
    56 Jump (4 ranks + 16 strength +2 enhancements + 30 clickie + 4 greater heroism)
    38 Tumble (4 ranks +11 dexterity +2 enhancements + 15 item + 4 greater heroism) *this is just for fun - all flips*
    63 Disable Device (23 ranks + 6 intelligence + 15 item + 7 tools + 3 reaver bracers + 4 greater heroism + 5 skill boost)
    59 Open Lock (15 ranks + 11 dexterity + 15 item + 7 tools + 2 good luck + 4 greater heroism + 5 skill boost)
    59 Search (23 ranks + 9 wisdom + 15 item + 2 good luck + 4 greater heroism + 5 skill boost)
    48 Use Magic Device (23 ranks + 3 charisma + 5 item + 6 shroud crafted + 4 greater heroism + 2 good luck + 5 skill boost)
    42 Haggle (7 ranks + 3 charisma + 15 item + 6 shroud crafted + 4 greater heroism + 2 good luck + 5 skill boost)

    Rogue Haste Boost I
    Ranger Skill Boost I
    Ranger Skill Boost II
    Ranger Skill Boost III
    Ranger Skill Boost IV
    Elven Dexterity I
    Elven Dexterity II
    Extra Dragonmark Use I
    Extra Dragonmark Use II
    Extra Dragonmark Use III
    Way of the Patient Tortiose I
    Way of the Patient Tortiose II
    Monk Improved Recovery I
    Monk Improved Recovery II
    Adept of Wind
    Racial Toughness I
    Racial Toughness II
    Ranger Favored Damage I
    Ranger Favored Damage II
    Ranger Favored Damage III
    Ranger Tempest I
    Ranger Tempest II
    Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
    Monk Jump I
    Monk Jump II
    Monk Tumble I
    Monk Tumble II
    All-Consuming Flame
    Ranger Dexterity I
    Ranger Dexterity II
    Ranger Dexterity III
    Monk Wisdom I
    Monk Wisdom II
    Ninja Spy I

    Ram's Might
    Resist Energy
    Protection from Energy
    Neutralize Poison
    Cure Moderate Wounds

    Using shortswords this build utilizes (almost) full base attack bonus, with 100% TWF offhand proc rate. I will alternate between Wind Stance for 5% double strike, and Fire Stance for increased strength and ki generation.

    Here are some initial roughshod estimates for important benchmarks.

    Attack Bonus
    20 base
    11 strength
    5 weapon
    4 greater heroism
    4 spectral gloves
    2 shintao monk
    46 self buffed

    Hit Points
    158 levels
    20 heroic
    10 draconic
    30 greater false life
    140 constitution
    20 rage
    22 toughness feat
    20 racial enhancements
    10 monk enhancements
    20 toughness item
    45 shroud item
    40 yugoloth potion
    535 self buffed

    Armor Class (in AC gear)
    10 base
    2 monk
    1 dodge feat
    4 icy raiment dodge
    1 alchemical dodge
    3 chattering ring dodge
    11 dexterity
    10 wisdom (in ocean stance)
    4 insight (greensteel weapon)
    5 protection
    5 barkskin
    8 armor bracers
    3 tempest II
    5 combat expertise
    1 haste
    73 self buffed AC

    Saves (fort/reflex/will)
    13/15/9 levels
    7/11/8 attributes
    5/5/5 resistance
    4/4/4/ greater heroism
    29/35/26 self buffed

    Ideal Gear
    Weapons: Greensteel, Epic Stings, whatever else...
    Armor: Icy Raiment, Enlightened Vestments (banishing)
    Bracers: Epic Jidz-te'tka / Epic Bracers of Deftness / Ventilated Bracers / Tharne's Bracers
    Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves / Titan's Grip (clicky)
    Belt: Epic Belt of Mroranon
    Ring 1: Kyosho's Ring
    Ring 2: Epic Ring of Baphomet (dps) / Chattering Ring (tanking)
    Necklace: Shintao Cord
    Trinket: Epic Bloodstone
    Boots: Madstone / Boots of the Innocent / Epic Dustless / Epic Kundarak Delving
    Cloak: Greensteel 45hp, +5 protection
    Goggles: Tharne's Goggles
    Helmet: the coolest looking ninja mask you can find

    Some notes...
    1) With the attack speed changes I will expect to use fire stance mostly, with the Epic Jidz-Te'tka, the additional +25% incoming healing should prove very useful as well as the +2 strength.

    2) This build has formidable defense against melee and ranged attacks. 72 armor class is significant on its own, but the builds true defense comes from the combination of shadow fade and displacement. With extend spell and extra dragonmarks I have 5 uses of 4 minute displacement per day...thats 20 minutes of displacement per shrine, which STACKS with the +25% incorporeal miss chance from shadow fade.

    3) This build provides useful self healing with full UMD, wholeness of body, and +45% incoming healing in fire stance.

    4) My listed "ideal gear" is a pretty tall order. I certainly don't have all of it. This is simply my target for the current state of the game. I have most of these items, and should be able to work around what I'm still missing fairly easily.

    Please provide constructive feedback, bearing in mind. I KNOW this will deal less damage than an exploiter using Khopeshes. I think this build will be more entertaining to play however, with all the monk active combat abilities. It should "feel" more engaging than the simple boost -> auto-attack dps the exploiter provides.

    (currently) 18 ranger/1 monk/1 rogue
    <Ransack> of Khyber
    Last edited by DrylondS; 07-02-2010 at 02:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    I'll preface this by saying that I think the build would definitely work, so no worries there. In fact, I've been struggling with how to combine WSS with Ranger, as I think it's a really cool concept.

    However, I ended up giving up in the end. The reasons being the following (and are something to consider):

    - using anything other than a longsword, kama, quarterstaff, or unarmed, would result in being uncentered, in which case you'd start losing your ki. So if you're keen on using your bow, or a weapon other than those listed above, you're going to constantly struggle to regain ki, plus have to re-click your stances on quite often. Not a major issue, but was enough to turn me off.

    - in a group scenerio, the Wind Stance haste is negated by Haste (spell). In which case there is no visible difference between a 12 Ranger / 6 Monk (100/100 TWF, 5% double-strike) and an 18 Ranger (100/100, 5%), except that the 18 Ranger could double-strike with any melee weapon and has access to the Tempest ToD ring set for extra bonuses, whereas the 12/6 split is limited to longswords.
    However, the 18 Ranger if Monk-splashed with WSS could be 100/100, 7.5% double-strike.... something to chew on. You'd be down 2 feats though (or 1 if you went /1 Monk, /1 Fighter), which could hurt.

  3. #3
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    You have the +4 tomes banked already? I usually stop reading a build after i see +4 tomes.

    Looks fantastic though, even with "normal" gear it'll be great.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the feedback Aerendil. I have considered some of those issues, and I agree that a few of them are disheartening...however.

    1) There are not many serious encounters that require switching back and forth between bow and melee. Most are either 1 or the other. Some fights where I use my bow frequently are Demon Queen, Titan (upper pillars), and crystal shattering in shroud, mindsunder, partycrashers...etc. To me, these types of encounters are mostly "bow-only", so the lost ki probably wouldn't hurt me too much. I would just have to resist the urge to use my bow to pull mobs when soloing, and instead use a shuriken for that purpose.

    2) While it might not be the best option for damage, I'm pretty confident I can get almost the desirable weapon properties with either longswords, handwraps, or q-staves.

    Vorpal - longswords
    Imp destruction/cursespewing/disruption/smiting - longswords
    Banishment - 2x abbot longswords
    Weighted - handwraps
    Ooze bashing - handwraps
    Skelly bashing - q-staves

    Really the only cool properties I can't get are "wounding of puncturing", but this flavor of the month seems to have expired.

    3) In light of the wind stance haste changes, I would likely primarily use fire stance for extra +1 to hit/damage and +25% incoming healing. This costs me the 5% double strike to be sure, which means a DPS decrease of something less than 5% (since double strikes don't proc offhand swings, and I get an extra +1 damage on all swings in fire stance).

    Those counterpoints being said....I agree being limited to centered weapons (namely longswords) is a drawback, but you get so many cool and fun toys to play with above and beyond a normal exploiter. 25% incorporeal, finishing moves, wholeness of body, possibly higher AC.

    As I said in the original post, I realize this is essentially a less powerful exploiter, I just think this build might be more fun to play. With top end gear, I think it could still be competitive in a DPS role if not dominant.

  5. #5
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    No worries, then!
    I've just made a Rogue version that deals with the same problems I've outlined above (lack of weapon choices), but contented myself with shortswords and unarmed for melee, and shuriken for pulling things. He'll suck at ranged combat, but that's what trapsmithing is for I guess
    My only concern with Ranger is that the urge to use the bow (especially with manyshot) is just too great, and it drove me nuts constantly having to re-click my stances and re-build ki - but if that's a non-issue for you, then it's no problem at all

    Also keep in mind regarding the 18 Ranger setup, you can get the best of both worlds.
    18 Ranger / 1 Monk / 1 Fighter could be in Fire stance and still get the 5% dbl-strike

    If you decide to keep /6 Monk, however, I can definitely vouch for the Shadow Fade ability though. It rocks
    Last edited by Aerendil; 06-29-2010 at 03:11 PM.

  6. #6
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    One thing to consdier. Oversized TWF is no longer required since I wouldn't be taking Tempest III...the -2 to hit isn't a big deal, as my attack bonus should be quite good. Anyone have a suggestion for a different feat to take at level 18 that might prove more useful?


  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Fairly similar to my build, though I went human instead of elf for the extra feat and self-healing amp; light path instead of dark for the free healing; and Shintao instead of Ninja Spy. Yours has more impressive stats, but then mine isn't a twice-TRed char with tomes out the wazoo.

  8. #8
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    unbongwah, thanks for linking your build, I looked it over and it looks fairly good.

    What benefits do you anticipate getting from shintao I, I considered it initially until I learned that the smite evil was on a 30 second cooldown, and replaced your normal damage instead of adding to it. While path of light does seem like a better choice for a build only taking 7 levels of monk, my build should have enough self healing between wholeness of body, UMD heal scrolls, and ranger cure moderates as needed. Considering that the ninja spy 25% incorporeal stacks with blur AND displacement...its really hard to say no to 1/4 melee damage negated, not to mention it frees up a feat because I dont need to take stunning fist, and can therefore go elf for higher AC and longsword racial enhancements.

    I will miss out on human versatility and spot though.

  9. #9
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    You have the +4 tomes banked already? I usually stop reading a build after i see +4 tomes.
    Why? There are currently 3 raids in the game that drop them. (1 raid you get 2 chances) No matter how hard they may be to get, it is something to work towards, It's nothing unreasonable.

    OP : This build looks pretty fun. I didn't read into detail too much. It looks heavy gear intensive, and i like that. It gives a toon with something to work towards. It can def. work.

    - One thing, i might lower dex a tad bit, and raise Con.
    Swez Sowan
    Sowen Sown Sowyn

  10. #10
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    Default Working in a Litany?

    I've been racking my brain, trying to figure out the gear set for this build - all that I've come up with is Epic Mroranon, Spectral, Setinel bracers, Icy, and Chattering Ring. If someone could post up a potential gear listing, it would help me determine how far away I am from this idea. Also, what does everyone think about working in a Litany to get even more obscene of an AC score? I don't know if the dps hit of using that instead of Bloodstone would be worth it.

  11. #11
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    I'm working on a bit of a build overhaul that should improve the build further. I can include a proposed gear list along with version 2 probably tonight or tomorrow.

  12. #12
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrylondS View Post
    Really the only cool properties I can't get are "wounding of puncturing", but this flavor of the month seems to have expired.
    Untrue. You'll have Ninja Spy 1, so you'll have access to Shortswords.

    Speaking of which, I'm kind of curious why you're throwing out two feats to use Longswords, instead of sticking with shortswords at that point.

    EDIT: I see you've already adjusted the build for that since I pressed "post reply" and "submit".

  13. #13
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrylondS View Post
    What benefits do you anticipate getting from shintao I
    I based my build on the Solar Phoenix. IIRC, Shintao's Prot. from Evil ability is a light move so it counts towards your healing ki finisher; it takes half as much ki to fire off than FoL (5 vs 10), so you can use it that much more often.
    While path of light does seem like a better choice for a build only taking 7 levels of monk, my build should have enough self healing between wholeness of body, UMD heal scrolls, and ranger cure moderates as needed.
    The goals of my build were pretty good free party healing from FoL & healing ki, decent DPS, UMD, and trapmonkey skills. Wholeness of Body is self-only; and last I checked, heal scrolls and cure spells weren't free.
    Considering that the ninja spy 25% incorporeal stacks with blur AND displacement
    Yeah, I hadn't realized until recently it was a stacking bonus; that does make it a lot more attractive.

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