Nevermind the viability of Shintao...I like the ability to trigger the light finisher more quickly, don't mind losing one toughness feat, would have taken Stunning Fist anyways now, already take monk imp. recovery, and would have to take +2 to one skill and +1 to another if I don't take the 2 ap cures this time around so Shintao I isn't really costing me anything other than 4ap's early in the build which really bridges me to the end as opposed to costing me in this specific layout.
I'll post the actual AP's spent in a bit but I had some general questions about the build in the meantime.
1. Can anyone confirm that the Protection from Evil and Smite Evil strikes are advancing finishing chains correctly? I've got no reason to redo my build if they haven't fixed that yet.
2. On a str-based light monk with void strikes and stunning fist which two stances would you go GM if you could only take two? Air is obviously still choice #1 thanks to the double-strikes and the ability to go without haste. #2 is tougher for me to choose. Str gives an even number bonus to damage/hit, is more viable for dps now that air is just 10% double-strike, and allows me to boost my natural healing amp of 40 or 50% even higher. Earth though does give that outstanding earth IV strike (though I'll have void IV/III now as well).
3. If I'm able to start using stunning fist reliably and also able to spam healing finishers more quickly ki is probably going to be an issue even with Oremi's. I hate even contemplating losing monkey - that 8 elemental dr across the board is one of my favorite parts of the character - but would crane make more sense here? Going crane would also buy my some extra ap's since crane II would be good enough...I'd spend them on Monk Imp. Recovery III, Shintao II (had 2 points left over to spend in my first build), and probably unbalancing strike (not many other places to spend that one AP).
I think that's it for now on my questions but just to give you some build highlights before I get the time to post something more detailed:
Human 32-point build
14str (+all level-ups), 16dex, 16con, 8int, 14wis, 8cha with +2 tomes everywhere but int.
I know the 14str is a bit low but it's just about the only way to fit in the stats needed here. I guess if I didn't take earth IV I could drop the con to raise the str so I guess that would be question number 4.
Required Feats: 8/11 total - 3 in twf, power attack, icrit bludgeoning, toughness, stunning fist, cleave (or some other shintao pre-req)
Options for last 3 feats: More toughness, dodge (to reduce the feat swaps to go ninja spy to 1...not sure if I'd do this since I'd probably just TR if I wanted to go ninja spy), skill focus: UMD, weapon focus: bludgeoning
Not sure if I missed a feat but I think that covers it.
Key Enhancements: Shintao I or II (depends on animal path), Void IV, Wind IV, Fire III or IV, Earth III or IV, Water III or IV (only one of the three will be IV - the other two will be III), Clever Monkey IV or Elegant Crane II (crane means shinto II and monk imp recovery III), Human Imp Recovery II, Monk Imp Recover II or III (depends on animal path). That's pretty much it which is why the enhancements are so tight. There are big gaps at the beginning and at several points throughout. I've made it work and will post it later but those are the enhancements that I'm building around.
Full Enhancement Build-Outs:
Here's some better details on both of the paths I'm working up. You can click a link to get to a formatted version of each build with the details.
20% Human Amp, 20% Monk Amp, Animal Path (Monkey) IV, Shintao I
Human Versatility I
Monk Balance I
Monk Concentration I
Human Improved Recovery I
Monk Wisdom I
Void Strike I
Way of the Clever Monkey I
Monk Improved Recovery I
Racial Toughness I
Monk Concentration II
Human Adaptability Strength I
Way of the Clever Monkey II
Human Improved Recovery II
Shintao Monk I
Adept of Flame
Adept of Rain
Adept of Rock
Adept of Wind
Racial Toughness II
Monk Improved Recovery II
Void Strike II
Way of the Clever Monkey III
Master of Bonfires
Master of Stone
Master of the Sea
Master of Thunder
Void Strike III
Way of the Clever Monkey IV
Grandmaster of Mountains
Grandmaster of Storms
Void Strike IV
Monk Serenity
20% Human Amp, 30% Monk Amp, Animal Path (Crane) II, Shintao II (Because I couldn't think of anything better to do with those two points)
Human Versatility I
Monk Balance I
Monk Concentration I
Human Improved Recovery I
Monk Wisdom I
Void Strike I
Way of the Elegant Crane I
Monk Improved Recovery I
Racial Toughness I
Monk Concentration II
Human Adaptability Strength I
Way of the Elegant Crane II
Human Improved Recovery II
Shintao Monk I
Adept of Flame
Adept of Rain
Adept of Rock
Adept of Wind
Racial Toughness II
Monk Improved Recovery II
Void Strike II
Monk Improved Recovery III
Master of Bonfires
Master of Stone
Master of the Sea
Master of Thunder
Shintao Monk II
Void Strike III
Grandmaster of Mountains
Grandmaster of Storms
Void Strike IV
Monk Serenity
Full build-out for path #2:
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34 DDO Character Planner Home Page Tajawuka Shiro Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male (20 Monk) Hit Points: 346 Spell Points: 0 BAB: 15\15\20\25\25 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 16 Will: 15 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 14 22 Dexterity 16 18 Constitution 16 18 Intelligence 8 8 Wisdom 14 17 Charisma 8 10 Tomes Used +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7 +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7 +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7 +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7 +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance 7 31 Bluff -1 0 Concentration 7 39 Diplomacy -1 2 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle -1 0 Heal 2 3 Hide 3 4 Intimidate -1 0 Jump 5 29 Listen 2 3 Move Silently 3 4 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair -1 -1 Search -1 -1 Spot 2 3 Swim 2 6 Tumble 4 5 Use Magic Device 1 14 Level 1 (Monk) Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack Feat: (Human Bonus) Toughness Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting Level 2 (Monk) Feat: (Monk Bonus) Stunning Fist Level 3 (Monk) Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light Feat: (Selected) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device Level 4 (Monk) Ability Raise: STR Level 5 (Monk) Level 6 (Monk) Feat: (Selected) Cleave Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness Level 7 (Monk) Level 8 (Monk) Ability Raise: STR Level 9 (Monk) Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting Level 10 (Monk) Level 11 (Monk) Level 12 (Monk) Ability Raise: STR Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons Level 13 (Monk) Level 14 (Monk) Level 15 (Monk) Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting Level 16 (Monk) Ability Raise: STR Level 17 (Monk) Level 18 (Monk) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Level 19 (Monk) Level 20 (Monk) Ability Raise: STR Enhancement: Monk Serenity Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II Enhancement: Human Versatility I Enhancement: Way of the Elegant Crane I Enhancement: Way of the Elegant Crane II Enhancement: Fists of Iron Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery I Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery II Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery III Enhancement: Void Strike I Enhancement: Void Strike II Enhancement: Void Strike III Enhancement: Void Strike IV Enhancement: Adept of Wind Enhancement: Grandmaster of Storms Enhancement: Master of Thunder Enhancement: Adept of Rock Enhancement: Grandmaster of Mountains Enhancement: Master of Stone Enhancement: Adept of Flame Enhancement: Master of Bonfires Enhancement: Adept of Rain Enhancement: Master of Sea Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Monk Balance I Enhancement: Monk Concentration I Enhancement: Monk Concentration II Enhancement: Monk Wisdom I Enhancement: Shintao Monk I Enhancement: Shintao Monk II