I recently noticed that there was a change in the various monster's behavior regarding ranged attackers, and especially very long ranged attackers.

Before, upon spotting a monster ( at very long range) you can simply pull out a bow and pincushion them to death while they and thier companions stand there completely oblivious. Even when thier companion dies they don't react.

Now, even if they don't notice you due to the range, if you shoot them with a bow they will notice the attack (must be a successful attack) and backtrack in the direction the attack came from.

Also, if you kill someone near another monster, even if it was the first shot, the other monsters become alert and will begin searching in ever widening circles from thier colleagues body. Unless you shoot someone then they will charge towards you.

I for one applaud this new change. It always annoyed me that I can simply kill entire mobs of enemies without any reaction. This new monster behavior is a welcome change for this Arcane Archer.

Now if only they could implement taking cover, movement behind cover and flanking charges against ranged attackers I would be satisfied. Dumb enemies are boring. How can I be a hero if the monsters just stand there to die.

Bravo Turbine for making Ranged combat interesting again.

(note: I mean this with all my heart. This is NOT a sarcastic post or a post that means the opposite.)

Amarathea Vardamir
Arcane Archer / Trapsmith / Locksmith
Band of Rhorax