Me and my gf have about 20 characters from levels 3 - 15 on the Argonessen and Thelanis servers. We play most every night for an hour or three.
I'm a long-time D&D pen and paper player and writer interested in learning more about Eberron in general. She is new to D&D in general, but has been playing DDO for about 7 months and is a competent player.
We're looking for a medium-sized Guild that focuses on exploring dungeons, getting optionals, etc., and not zerging, generally. We enjoy playing with players that have a sense of humor, but can act at least halfway mature. (Meaning constant sophomoric genitalia humor ticks the girlfriend off and bores me.) While that might not seem very picky, it's actually proven hard to find in practice.
So, I'm just throwing a line out there to see if there might be some Guild that fits the bill.
Replies could be sent here or to Rengauer on the Argonessen server.
Thanks! Good Questing!