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  1. #1
    Community Member psymun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Hitting While Running

    To be quite honest, I tried to find a similar thread to this... But we're all so annoyed there are a billion threads so I can't find anything for sure.

    Has anyone else noticed that now, if you run up to a mob, your first 2 or 3 swings don't hit it?

    I use to be able to run up and hit mobs as soon as I get to them, but my first 2 to 3 swings don't land. No miss, No Die roll, just not hit AT ALL.

    I'm hoping this is a bug that they will fix. It's a major issue.

    I've also noticed that if I'm chasing a mob swinging at it, I can't hit it until it stops moving. AT ALL. Again, no miss, no die roll, just not hitting it at all!

  2. #2
    Community Member rotseken's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    While this may partially be buggy, it is also a strategic function of D&D. If you open up your inventory and look at the stats at the bottom, one thing it shows you is your attack bonus (in other words, your ability to land hits). While running, your total attack bonus is reduced by 4 or so, making it much harder for you to hit your target. I'm not 100% on this, but a running monster also probably has a higher AC (it would make sense in my mind since it's harder to hit a moving target). Your lowered attack + their heightened AC makes them a very difficult target to hit.

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