So now that update 5 is out and the guild leveling system in play I face a quandary. Do I stay in my lil guild, I think its pretty much me and one person in Europe (not sure why he wanted to join lol), or just give it up and find a place where I fit in?
I decided to take the route of creating my guild for a combination of 3 reasons.
1. The name Lords of Insomnia is just so me lol
2. I got tired of the blind guild invites
3. Because of my play style (very casual, very late, and having Alt-tisim) I felt I would be dead weight to a guild especially with the member cap (not that there is alot of guilds at that point)
My problem lies in the fact I dont like large guilds I am more of a family style guild person. I would explain whey but that would create a wall of text lol. But with the guild leveling system I dont really see a reason to keep going the way I am.
As far as growing my own guild all I have to say is I HATE RECRUITING