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Thread: Is it possible?

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Thumbs up Is it possible?

    If you are a Halfling and not in The Halfling Nation Guild, then you’re missing out. Join the guild today and carve your way into the history books by helping to create the largest and most influential “all Halfling” guild on the Canith server. Do what Halflings do the best; whatever they want! Guild rules are simple… Have fun and respect others.

    Waiting for an invitation? Wait no longer ---> If you are a Halfling, you’re in!

    Our temporary home:
    Last edited by thewizard3; 06-28-2010 at 07:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member cappuccino's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by thewizard3 View Post
    If you are a Halfling and not in The Halfling Nation Guild, then you’re missing out. Join the guild today and carve your way into the history books by helping to create the largest and most influential “all Halfling” guild on the Canith server. Do what Halflings do the best; whatever they want! Guild rules are simple… Have fun and respect others.

    Waiting for an invitation? Wait no longer ---> If you are a Halfling, you’re in!

    Our temporary home:
    Will keep an eye out for ya, After all...Every Warforge should own a few halfings to use as missile weapons
    Unguilded on Thelanis Pempernel, Melyanna, Greyiira, Valienor, Pempernal, Pempernil, Pempersensai, Pempnoir, Paw, Zilvira, Celebrimbor
    Proud Member of the Silver Legion - Cannith Aflac, Mabar, Pistachios, Pempernel, Melyanna, Kazoo

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by cappuccino View Post
    Will keep an eye out for ya, After all...Every Warforge should own a few halfings to use as missile weapons
    Aye, living missiles are good to have an abundance of. Especially if the thrower has a difficult time hitting the target - You just concentrate of taking their heads off, and we'll start from the bottom and work our way up. We'll meet for lunch to discuss technique, somewhere near the 4th or 5th vertebrate.

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