How do you use this feat?
How do you use this feat?
Soul Gems? Well hell, so now I have to be (or know) a wizard to be able to use a rogue ability?
Just because "Trap the Soul" was **** near useless, why does it fall onto the rogues to give that spell purpose?
Well, I guess I'll be spending the July 4 weekend out farming soul gems with my wizard and burning through tens of thousands of khyber fragments....Oh joy.
For those curious, here is the Llama post regarding Trapmaking. It's 11 pages long filled with testing feedback:
Eladrin and MadFloyd were involved in the thread, and posted several comments about the feedback (pages 6 and 7 come to mind as examples), so some changes were made from the initial proposal, and others are slated for upcoming Updates. So I think it's safe to say that Trapmaking will be changing in the future.
As it is now, the siberys shard count is a bit high and soul gems aren't exactly ideal. But the damage some of these traps do is apparently quite nice.
Consider them a luxury right now, and not something you'll be using on every single quest you run (you simply won't have the materials to make tons of them).
I guess it just goes to show that "the best" rogue is ... a wizard.
Sad sad sad.
Except a wizard/rogue, even with the trap-making feat, is still not going to get many trap parts.
So use your rogue to get the parts, a wizard, a friend, or the AH to get the soul gems, then go nuts.
Oh, and a mechanic rogue can get some crazy high DCs on the mines, unless I'm mistaken. It goes off current disable device skill.. so your goggles, buffs, your skill boost, and everything you got will boost the DC into awesome territory.
btw, just made my first crude fire traps.. 10 mechanical parts, 10 fire parts, gives 5 crude fire traps.. 10d6 fire damage.. DC based on disable device skill at the time you set it, and if you have mechanic I or better mechanic II. I can't wait to see how big an area effect it is.
Well, as Trapmaking requires 4 levels of Rogue, the only way Wizards will get it is to burn a feat - and that's something I can't see many of them doing. Especially when they can simply expend SP to do far better than what the traps allow for.
It is definitely a bit of a bummer about requiring soul gems, but I'd imagine we'll start seeing them on AHs soon.
If they're not horribly overpriced, then it shouldn't be an issue.
What ISN'T horribly overpriced?
I just hate the fact that a wiz/rog can do everything a pure rogue can do, but better (and have wizard power to boot).
Why waste the time and effort to build traps, when a simple firewall will be more effective and efficient?
Why be all sneaky for Assassination which drops stealth, when you can just hypno the crowd and insta-kill 'em from a distance?
Starting to wonder if I should bother graining 5 more levels for 20, or just LR into a wiz/rog over the next 5-6 weeks![]()
Last edited by Latharna; 06-29-2010 at 10:48 AM.
Working on a soul trap GS necklace at the moment; not expecting a lot out of it as the whole idea of the rogue is to not get hit often. I'm not willing to sacrifice DPS for a soul trap weapon.
One question I've had: do the gems just fall to the ground for you to pick up? If so, can others see them and pick them up as well? Seems there could be confusion if there is more than one toon in the immediate vicinity with a soul trap item.
There are always going to be class combinations that exceed regular class abilities in some ways. But they come with a tradeoff.
These hybrids cannot cast as well as a pure wizard, nor can they develop the Sneak Attack abilities of a pure Rogue. Maybe we're seeing the birth of an "Arcane Trapster" type of build, one that's interesting to play. My assassin duoed Coalescence Chamber with a Caster, and the Caster way outperformed her - until the Spell points ran out.
It does seem a bit weird to use up 10 scrolls of a spell, a load of farmable items, and go through crafting in order to make only 5 traps that you then have to set, and hope the monster tramples, in order to get the same effect using the scrolls would give instantly, at range, without missing, twice as many times.
Cleric spells like Slay Living & Destruction, or Arcane FoD/PK far exceed Assassination 2 in deadliness, range and speed of effect.
Successful Assassination does not drop stealth. You need use no SP, or fancy weapons, and you can get it done with a one-copper club.
so you have to have 4 lvl of rough in the description it only says you have to have one of the 3 required and and trapfinding and it's a given at lvl 4. so with that said a 19 wizzard 1 rough with the stuff that he's supposed to be able have to make traps wont' be able to do it.?
Anyone with 1-3 levels of rogue can take trap making as one of their normal feats, they just also have to take one of the pre-req feats (so it costs them 2 feats in total), whereas level 4+ rogue get trapmaking for free.
Knight of the Silver Legion, part of Guild Medieval
They show up in your inventory. the Averge dragonshard transforms. Had a buddy of mine make one for me (now i just need 100 freaking elecrtic pices).
Btw, i dont have the quote, but i read somewhere that the amount of trap pieces you get is based on dc of the trap, rogue levels, and if you are a mechanic. So a wiz/rogue would have much much less trap pieces and a lower chance of getting any at all. They could still make their own soul gems, but would take many times as long to farm traps.
Oh, and a mechanic rogue can get some crazy high DCs on the mines, unless I'm mistaken. It goes off current disable device skill.. so your goggles, buffs, your skill boost, and everything you got will boost the DC into awesome territory.
btw, just made my first crude fire traps.. 10 mechanical parts, 10 fire parts, gives 5 crude fire traps.. 10d6 fire damage.. DC based on disable device skill at the time you set it, and if you have mechanic I or better mechanic II. I can't wait to see how big an area effect it is.[/QUOTE]
I've never forced myself to get a rogue up to high levels as a pure rogue, so i dont know what a typical DD of one is. However, it should be noted that the dc of a trap (not throwables) is a FRACTION of your DD, not your DD.
So throwing numbers out, if a lv 20 rogue with mechanic 2 and DD of say 60 were to place a trap, the dc of that trap would be 40. However, a level 7 rogue with only mechanic 1 and a DD of 18 would only have a dc of 9. Even the rogue that set it would be able to dodge that. Heck, even a cleric in full plate would likely dodge it taking half damage.
Seriously, Trapmaking is a high level game. Low dc traps due to low skill and mechanic I. Only getting 2-3 trap pieces on traps at level, no access to soul gems without the help of a high level mage/sorc. Imho, don't bother making traps at all until a mechanic (lv 6) and dont bother making even 3rd tier traps until mechanic II. Waste of trap pieces that at the level is hard to obtain.
One thing i have noticed is when you look at the trap parts like say mechanical it gives you a recipe that says 10 cold parts +10 mechanical parts= 10 weak cold traps, which follows the formula in scully's notes, but then you look at acid parts and the recipe it says on there is 10 acid parts + 10 mechanical parts= 5 weak acid traps.. So that will be something we'll have to look into is how many recipes give you 10 traps, or 5. Now wether this due to the lack of certain traps versus other's or not i do not know. I can only recall with those 2 recipes i posted that i can think of a few acid traps where as the cold traps barely come to mind. As far as the number of trap pieces you get when you disable a trap, it looks like it ranges from 0-10, at least from what i've found so far. I've been running the Hiding in plain sight quest on Elite and hitting the first 4 traps, although i did find a fifth trap once, it seems the one i have as the 3rd trap sometimes doesnt spawn or gets moved. But here is the numbers from my 5 runs
1st trap gave me 9 acid parts, then 9, 0, 0, 1.
2nd trap gave me 9 mechanical parts then 6, 8, 4, 9
3rd trap gave me 3 fire parts, then 0, then trap wasnt there, trapped moved down farther and went from being the dart trap to being a bladed trap and it gave me 8 mechanical parts then it spawned as the dart trap again and gave me 3 fire parts
4th trap gave me 8 mechanical parts then 9, 4, 1, 10
these #'s may or may not change depending on assassin rogue vs. mechanic same with for DD # and level of the character. Mine is 20 assassin 3, with 49DD+ 7 for lockpick. So if a mechanic rogue would like to run Hips 5 times and record and post their #'s and what they have found that would be great.
First off that is a typo. you get 5 traps.
Secondly, according to the wiki, HIPS does have random traps, so that is reasonable.
Third: it has changed, but the reason you are getting up to 9 trap pieces is probably because you were in a level 10 dungeon (iirc). The number of pieces is based on levels of rogue, mechanic or not, and dc of the trap. Higher level quests should give more pieces then lower (in fact, i have never had more then 3 pieces from redfanged, even though it was on elite.)