Does anyone know if the Cleric or Favored Soul Enhancement lines Smiting and Prayer of Incredible Smiting are applied to a Paladin's Divine Sacrifice ability if you had a Pally/Cleric multiclass? Just curious.
Does anyone know if the Cleric or Favored Soul Enhancement lines Smiting and Prayer of Incredible Smiting are applied to a Paladin's Divine Sacrifice ability if you had a Pally/Cleric multiclass? Just curious.
I don't think so. The Cleric/FVS Smiting enhancement line applies to light and alignment based damage from *spells*.
Paladin clickie attacks like Divine Sacrifice work like tactics feats (trip, stunning blow etc.) and don't affect Combat Expertise or interrupt Monk combos - which are broken by spell type actions, as well as being considered spell-like abilities (affected by spellcasting damage enhancement effects with the exception of metamagic feats)
Presumably Divine Sacrifice damage is not affected by spell damage enhancement like the Smiting line, potency/eficiacy/brilliance/radiance items, arcane lore, maximise, etc.