Does Paladin Charisma enhancement count towards unlocking Divine Might? I'm guessing not, but thought I'd ask to be sure.
Moreover, is it really worth it to pump base Cha to 18 just to access DM4?
Does Paladin Charisma enhancement count towards unlocking Divine Might? I'm guessing not, but thought I'd ask to be sure.
Moreover, is it really worth it to pump base Cha to 18 just to access DM4?
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
It's just so expensive (point-wise) to start your charisma at 18. In the case of a WF Pally, it becomes a very daunting task to reach 20 Cha. Is it really worth it to give up the Str?
I would start with Cha 16 and hope to bank +3 tome at some point by level 20 and use 1 level up to charisma. This will save you valuable build points since paladin needs quite a few stats and you dont need that base 20 cha before lvl 20. My idea was to put 1 level up point to cha at lvl 12 so I can pop +1 tome and have 18 base at lvl 15 for DM III. And then just wait to pull +3 tome or use +2 tome and another level up to cha @ 20.
My paladin is a drow
I started with 16str 12dex 12con 10 int 8 wisdom and 18 charisma with intent on at some point getting a +6 wis item so I can cast spells
I have few regrets