I am planning to reincarnate my tempest 3 to a tempest 2 with 7 levels of rogue. *I currently have a WoP set that's real nice for trash with it's icy burst and force critical ritual. *if I switch to the rogue 7, do you folks believe getting a Rad2 will be better than the WoP (and will there be situations where the WoP may be useful - or would I essentially be retiring it?)
Reason I am asking is that I have 1 greensteel (mineral 2 with ac), and I have all I need for a 2nd and trying
to decide what to get. *If I don't change to the rogue levels it'll probably be lightning2, but if I do switch I am wondering if I should instead go rad2 (or use the ingredients for something else, for example, earth3 picks for epic - I do have other dr beaters for ly off hand for Harry and his pals).
Also - I recently pulled a treason. *Is that something you folks use at end game content, and if so, in what situations? *I do have the tharnes bracers and goggles (I also have +8 bracers which I'd keep on when want to maximize ac). (does the added sneak attack damage stack with tharnes?)
thanks much