It is amazing how much races have changed in this game from the time they were first introduced. I remember when warforged were so bad that people wouldn't even let them in groups and thanks to a little revamp in their immunities and a lot of love in the enhancement department they are arguably one of the best races around. In contrast drow were the end all be all when first introduced and have now kind of fell by the way side with the introduction of 32 pt builds and the current action point system.

Drow for the most part have the worst racial enhancements of all the races with everything being either completely useless (drow spell resistance, drow ranged attack/damage) or its an enhancement that can be pretty easily mimicked with other races (drow melee attack/damage, elven enchantment resistance, elven dexterity). As a result people tend to choose drow for their stat point distribution rather than their enhancements. Since drow are 28 pt builds this means they loose a good bit of flexibility in stat distribution which means drow are often pigeonholed into classes that need high int,cha, and dex.

The four most popular classes I see people promoting the use of drow for are rogues, TWF paladins, sorcerers, and wizards. The problem is I find that the drow enhancements for those 4 classes are either mostly useless, or pale in comparison to another races.

Sorcerers and wizards have very little priority for ANY of the drow enhancements and almost no use for 2 of the 3 stats drow get a boost in, which means the difference between a human w/ racial enhancements and a drow becomes 1 pt of cha/int vs 1 feat, more con, 1 more toughness enhancement, and healing amplification. All in all a human caster is considerably more survivable than a drow caster for considerably less gain.

Rogues truly are the bread and butter of the drow race, they can make use of almost all the drow enhancements and can make use of all 3 stat bonuses drow get. I would have almost have no complaints about drow rogues if it weren't for those pesky 32 pt halflings. In a game that leans more towards survivability/DPS with every module halfling rogues wipe the floor with the drow rogues with more flanking bonuses, more sneak attack damage, more AC, better saves (except vs enchantments), and more hp, all while not being limited to rapiers/shortswords like drow enhancements. As rogue DPS is mostly about the sneak attack damage I think the extra damage halflings get far outweigh the bonuses gained from +2 int and +2 cha, especially since at level 20 1 pt more of UMD doesn't matter as much anymore.

Paladins on the other hand aren't so highly recommended for drow so much as the TWF, divine might paladins because of the steep base stat requirements needed to meet both GTWF and Divine might IV, however do to the naturally high dex and charisma their saves tend to be very high anyway and have very little need for the enchantment resistance or dexterity enhancement. Which means the only real useful enhancement is rapier damage. I don't have any real complaints about drow being used with this build as drow make easily available to more casual players, but as higher + tomes become available to more determined players a human can also meet the steep requirements to play this build without making the sacrifices.

Personally when I sit down to plan out a build (and I will admit that I am a bit of a power gamer) I take into consideration more than just a builds base stat distribution to determine what race would be best for the build. It seems that so often when people bring up drow arguments that the only thing they ever talk about it stats, but when I'm planning out my builds its not base stats where I find drow falling short, but rather when I start considering what can be done with enhancements. For that reason I seriously think the devs should consider giving the drow some enhancement love.

I understand that a lot of people think of drow as perfectly fine as the way they are because they are a sort of stepping stone to a 32 pt build, allowing for more casual players to get an early start on a good build without having to rebuild him once they unlock 32 pts, but I don't think that with greater reincarnations available to upgrade old 28 pt builds that its fair to leave a race that has to be unlocked (or paid for) so far behind in the dust.

I'm not the best at coming up with ideas that would actually fix the issue so feel free to recommend some if they come to your mind. Personally I'd like to see the current spell resistance enhancements either done away with and just grant drow SR 11+ character level, or highly revamped so that the SR isn't easily outdone by a simple item or spell. Also I'd really like for drow to be able to choose what stat they want to spend AP on out of int, cha, and dex rather than being forced to choose dex. I think that those changes alone would go a long way to improving drow enhancements without really having to do any work, but I would really also like to see more added to the drow that separates their enhancements more from the elves to make them more of unique race and less of a slightly altered less versatile elf clone.