IF he is staying pure, Int and Cha are dump stats - there is no agrument about that.

HOWEVER, if he is not staying pure, INT and CHA become important. INT for Ninja Spy and CHA for Radiant Servant or KoTC or HoTD.

The standard Rogue skills are Hide, Move Silent, Disable Device, Open Locks, Use Magic Device, Search, Spot and Listen. That is 8 skills. So, in order to keep Concentrate up, you would need at least a 12 - and probably a 14 (or human). One could argue that Listen, Hide and Move Silenty are not really that needed but you need a heavy tank in order to use a Rogue's Gambit* and still need to sneak if soloing.

You do make out Better if you go Pal/Cle/Monk or Pal/Monk or Cle/Monk for Demon hunting, Undead killer and such. Pal, Cle and Monk all use Concentration so that is not a problem. Quite frankly, you could probably keep up Heal without a lot of trouble. However, taking tumble, Repair or a host of agruably useful skills could not happen. Still, Cle has Turn Undead and Pal has Divine Grace and Lay on Hands and all are heavily CHA dependant.

* Rogue's Gambit - once someone else engages a single target, the Rogue automatically gets SA damage. So, the Tank is needed in order to "draw fire and keep occupied" while a lot or most of the dps is done by the rogue's SA. This tactic is not much use in DDO after 15 and of only some use after 10 but is real nice before level 10.