Raised the offer.
65k plat / each
Send mail in game : Flaws, Godlike
Can also trade for +2 tomes, small / medium ingredients
Raised the offer.
65k plat / each
Send mail in game : Flaws, Godlike
Can also trade for +2 tomes, small / medium ingredients
Last edited by ThunderTank; 06-27-2010 at 12:50 AM.
* Flaws - Flawranga - Flawless - Godlike - Think Tank - Doppelganger *
I'd be willing to trade Blacks for Blues if you are interested in that... I think I have 4 or 5 Blacks gathering dust in a bag somewhere.
Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
Cannith / Orien
* Flaws - Flawranga - Flawless - Godlike - Think Tank - Doppelganger *
65k plat.
Not a chance
Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?
Considering normal market value for black and white scales is 40k plat and blue is 100k its a fair price
Too bad too many people throw normal market value out the window on this server
Tips for people selling items
The AH Price is completely Wrong
A Name on your item doesnt mean its worth 18-20 million gold
Dragon Scale Armors are not good items
White is Horrible
Black only useful mid teens for archers and casters for 10% ranged alacrity(replaced by quiver of alacrity or ranger capstone AA ToD bonus set) and Wiz V replaced by lots of other items
Blue is useful for Arcane Lore-usually only found on raid gear and rare items
Red Scale while appearing to be awesome overrides damage bonuses off ToD rings and takes a long long time to collect for(only 2 sets known crafted on server first suit guild helped a lot second guy has 5 raid toons and got some help from guild)
You always have to bear in mind that any price listed on the AH should be reduced by 30% as that's the AH's cut of the sale price, so knock that off the 100k listed in the AH for a black scale and suddenly 65k is about the same amount you'd get from selling there.
Sent you a couple scales in the post Flaws as the price you're offering seems very fair to me.
I stream DDO on my Twitch channel: twitch.tv/brakkart
Cannith: Brakkart Fellblade (Ranger) - Feiya (Ice Sorceress) - Iomedae Furyheart (Paladin) - Lirianne Alkenstar (Artificer) - Laori Vaus (Cleric) - Elmidgetster (Wizard) - Loot