The easiest answer may just be to drop extend spell it self. Short lvl 20 buffs will still last over 2 minutes and I won't sacrifice Power Attack.
The easiest answer may just be to drop extend spell it self. Short lvl 20 buffs will still last over 2 minutes and I won't sacrifice Power Attack.
Could also go Khopesh/Kukri and drop OTWF... IC:S would still apply to both. Tons of offhand crits.
Dual khopeshes will be fine.
Consider: A rogue who is fully raid buffed has little problems hitting, even with PA turned on. And that rogue has a -5 base attack in comparison. A measly -2 isn't going to hurt you at all in most cases.
they are adjusting some of the very high ac mobs in epic difficulties like the tharak hounds etc.
you do not, under any circumstances want to drop PA from a dps build. since you are twf, I assume you are dps specced. in any situation other than epics you will be running with PA turned on and it is not something you want to be missing.
even if you plan a lot of epic runs in your future, I believe, working for some raid gear, that will situationally boost your strength score like titan grip gloves, madstone boots and stacking ability increase pots are the way to go instead of gimping your dps output the rest of the time.
so, I would drop otwf and go with the approach posted before.
extend is useful but not gamebreaking not to have. I still wouldn't drop it from my pallie builds.
BritsEthan Seelowe | Eosphoros | Fos | Olympic HeavyMetal
elsa: ((so Role Play involves emoting? you mean like start listening to my chemical romance and dying my hair black?))
a twf kopesh weilding pally should have -the 3 twf feats, IC, PA, kopesh feat obviously, toughness, and OTWF or Extend,,imo not haveing extend is an inconvenience rather than a must have...and if u are planning on doin epic u should take OTWF...but its still ur choice...
but if u are a non human and want kopesh...u have no other option but to drop OTWF and extend..
Honestly Ive been taking stunning blow over extend. Currently with a tenderizer in the off hand stuns go off pretty frequently. With the changes to weighted stuns will have a change to go off more with sb and a wieghted weapon in the off hand. I dont think extend is truly needed its just nice to have.
Thanks for all the input. Dropping OTWF.
Take maximize. Grab a torc, conc op, viles, and a bauble.
The only reason I don't go for Extend is if I have very nice piercing weapons that just can't be ignored. WoP Rapier(s) or dual Banishing Rapiers are good examples. I don't have Deathnips, but I'm guessing that would be a good example too. In that case:
Khopesh (if extra human feat, or if fighter multiclass)
IC Slash
IC Pierce
For my TH Paladin I have an extra Toughness in place of Extend, but she is a Pal/Sor so she has never run out of SP, ever. Otherwise, I'd have taken Extend.
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A rogue also likely has sneak attack bonus +hit, either from items or enhancements or both. So that -5 is more or less a wash; the rogue may actually be significantly higher in terms of personal attack bonus.
In other words, that's probably not the best comparison to make to evaluate whether the +hit is sufficient.
One the best cases for extend imo is if you use madstone boots -- having doubled durations makes it easy to stay buffed with zeal and divine favor between madstone procs.