It's stated "there is no way for your characters you mentioned to get their last names changed". well thats not true now is it, people get surnames changed reguarly if their in violation of TOS. usually they are asked what they want it changed to aswell.
Originally i played on the ddo europe servers where first and last name changes were done for free by gms within a matter of minutes, i know for a fact that changing a characters name takes less than 2 mins and is not a complicated procedure. In-game service refuse to change names because i assume they are told they are not allowed even though they are perfectly capable, they can't because the boss will tell them off.
Whoever deals with customer service can you please just lift this restriction, it dosn't take much of their time and being told there is "no way" to change a name is a little disheartening after playing this game for so many years and giving so much money to support your wages.
I won't comment on the joke that is $10 to change a first name.