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  1. #1
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Default My one run-in with a mechanic rogue

    I've never advocated making a mechanic because traps in DDO have always been little more than a minor inconvenience. It's not that trap damage was too low, it was that dying in a trap wasn't enough of a penalty to justify making a mechanic. That's hopefully no longer the case with Update 5!

    But I remember a run-in I had with a mechanic long before Update 5 was announced.

    We were in VoD and doing it the slow way (long before people ran it the fast way). I was one of two rogues in the group. The leader was handing out assignments.

    Leader :So-and-so will be main tank, so-and-so will grab the orthons. So-and-so will heal the main tank...blah blah blah...and Dresek will get the traps.

    Dresek: Got it.

    Mechanic: Hold on! I'm a mechanic. He's an assassin. The traps are mine! I built this character just to get traps so I'm taking care of the traps.

    Leader: Uh, sure, OK, get the traps.

    Dresek: Have at 'em, man. All yours.

    Mechanic: **** straight!

    So we enter the raid and begin fighting the Orthons. The mechanic find the the traps, disarms one, and then stands there for a while. Then he moves to the next set, without disabling the first, and searches for them. He continues around the circle until he's got all the traps discovered but none disarmed. Then I get a tell.

    Mechanic tells you: Hey, man, do you have any tools? I just ran out!

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  2. #2
    Community Member ArichValtrahn's Avatar
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    Funny, but meh.. Most of my chars carry a set of tools in case this ever happens.

  3. #3
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    This is why my rogue splash's carry 4 sets of +5's on them.

  4. #4
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    Haha.. but could he use your "Assassin" tools?
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razcar View Post
    Haha.. but could he use your "Assassin" tools?

    I.E.-> kill the scrub!

  6. #6
    Founder William_the_Bat's Avatar
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    If someone wants to play a character that's primarily a trap-monkey, fine, more power to them.

    Where I have a problem is when they try to tell you how to play your character.

    Like the mechanic rogue who told my rogue/cleric that I was not allowed to do traps because that was all he was good for.

    Now, you might think a rogue 1 / cleric X is a cleric who can disable a trap if they have to... that's obviously what this guy thought. But I'd gimped myself as a cleric, taking 18 int and 16 wis, and spent feats left and right to make myself a better trapsmith. This was a rogue with healing, not a cleric with trapsmithing.

    So you can imagine how mad I was that I was being told to leave those traps alone and wait for the other guy to get to them.

    Please, people, play the character you want to play.. but don't get mad when someone else wants to play their character too.

    Oh yeah, if you build a trap-monkey that's otherwise useless.. great, go for it. More power to you if you are having fun. But don't be -mad- when my rogue/paladin has a better reflex save and the same ability to disable a trap (i.e. success on a 1) and is a full-on evasion-tank on top of that. You play your character, and I'll play mine.

  7. #7
    Community Member Yagi's Avatar
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    My first encounter with a Mechanic rogue (that I knew of anyways) was also in VOD. He kept taking my chains off me <3
    btw whats with fighting over who does traps? my rogues couldnt care less. Dont want me to do em? Great, more violence for me! It sucks standing around disarming stuff that cant even hurt me while people run through it and go fight stuff anyways.
    Two Plus Two makes TwentySeven and I bit your rat in half. What now?

  8. #8
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  9. #9
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yagi View Post
    btw whats with fighting over who does traps? my rogues couldnt care less. Dont want me to do em? Great, more violence for me! It sucks standing around disarming stuff that cant even hurt me while people run through it and go fight stuff anyways.

    That's why I only run Monastery solo. Every time I run it with a group, they're always insisting on having me disable the traps when I'd rather be out there killing. Monastery is an assassin's dream, with tightly packed groups of mobs separated by enough distance for the assassinate cooldown. Traps? Bah, let's kill!

    Ok, Ok, I'll get the trap in the air shaft, but that's the only one!

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  10. #10
    Community Member Stillwaters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yagi View Post
    btw whats with fighting over who does traps? my rogues couldnt care less. Dont want me to do em? Great, more violence for me! It sucks standing around disarming stuff that cant even hurt me while people run through it and go fight stuff anyways.
    Its only going to get worse now that they drop components - even tho only the mechanics can make a trap with a DC decent enough to mention.

  11. #11
    Community Member Asymetric_War's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by William_the_Bat View Post
    If someone wants to play a character that's primarily a trap-monkey, fine, more power to them.

    Where I have a problem is when they try to tell you how to play your character.

    Like the mechanic rogue who told my rogue/cleric that I was not allowed to do traps because that was all he was good for.

    Now, you might think a rogue 1 / cleric X is a cleric who can disable a trap if they have to... that's obviously what this guy thought. But I'd gimped myself as a cleric, taking 18 int and 16 wis, and spent feats left and right to make myself a better trapsmith. This was a rogue with healing, not a cleric with trapsmithing.

    So you can imagine how mad I was that I was being told to leave those traps alone and wait for the other guy to get to them.

    Please, people, play the character you want to play.. but don't get mad when someone else wants to play their character too.

    Oh yeah, if you build a trap-monkey that's otherwise useless.. great, go for it. More power to you if you are having fun. But don't be -mad- when my rogue/paladin has a better reflex save and the same ability to disable a trap (i.e. success on a 1) and is a full-on evasion-tank on top of that. You play your character, and I'll play mine.
    well said will!
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