I've never advocated making a mechanic because traps in DDO have always been little more than a minor inconvenience. It's not that trap damage was too low, it was that dying in a trap wasn't enough of a penalty to justify making a mechanic. That's hopefully no longer the case with Update 5!
But I remember a run-in I had with a mechanic long before Update 5 was announced.
We were in VoD and doing it the slow way (long before people ran it the fast way). I was one of two rogues in the group. The leader was handing out assignments.
Leader :So-and-so will be main tank, so-and-so will grab the orthons. So-and-so will heal the main tank...blah blah blah...and Dresek will get the traps.
Dresek: Got it.
Mechanic: Hold on! I'm a mechanic. He's an assassin. The traps are mine! I built this character just to get traps so I'm taking care of the traps.
Leader: Uh, sure, OK, get the traps.
Dresek: Have at 'em, man. All yours.
Mechanic: **** straight!
So we enter the raid and begin fighting the Orthons. The mechanic find the the traps, disarms one, and then stands there for a while. Then he moves to the next set, without disabling the first, and searches for them. He continues around the circle until he's got all the traps discovered but none disarmed. Then I get a tell.
Mechanic tells you: Hey, man, do you have any tools? I just ran out!