Eberron Chapter
I call the second Eberron Mechanic Union meeting into order.
I would like to welcome all of you back for another important union meeting. As mechanics, we have several skills and abilities that are of great value to each other and our fellow inhabitants. It is in our own collective interests to collaborate and palaver. Spread and nurture our understanding of our craft, lets grow some knowledge.
Now onto the meeting
The Reading of the Minutes
A transcript of last weeks meeting can be found here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=257035.
After a warm and inspiring welcome, members were told that there were no minutes from the previous week and that there was no old business. The new business was discussed and covered the appointment of Maxallu as the HMFIC of EMU. New business also mentioned the upcoming Update 5.
Within the Areas of Concern, the meeting covered discrimination and type casting. U5 is quite the liberator of our nimble digits, we can now get back to our roots and diversify at the same time, but more on that later. Members were urged to share their experiences and communicate with other classes about their misconceptions. An educated bigot is a dangerous bigot.
Like old business and the reading of the minutes, there were no new members last week. A special thanks was given to a certain Mexican beer and the meeting was adjourned.
Old Business
This is the EMU. This is your own personal, mechanized, digital sanctuary. Think of the EMU like an easy to pronounce safe word that can be understood through clenched teeth and a swollen lip. The EMU belongs to all of us Mechanics out there with the distinct purpose of advancing our craft. If you have an idea, or a tip to share, by all means please do so. Lets make each other better. When you see a tip or you think that fellow mechanics would benefit from your knowledge, ask yourself, "What would all time NBA assist leader and Jazz musician John Stockton do?" That's right, he'd drop a dime straight into the freakishly large and muscular hands of Karl Malone for the slam dunk. That's what you should do. You are Johnny Stockton and we're all little Karl Malones.
U5: Yesterday was the big day. I hope that many of you, if not all of you got out there and get your little sweaty hands on some trap parts. This is very new to a lot of us and for some people, when they don't understand something they can become angry and short tempered. Confusion is a great de-motivator. We need to educate our brethren in this new skill so that we can be the best mechanics that we can be. I am asking you to develop and distribute the formulas, crafting recipes, farming locations, and trap knowledge so that we can all learn to kill stuff in colorful and noisy ways. This will require the efforts of many of you. I want to see the best source of trap making information that our people can easily understand and implement. Lets destroy this ignorance and embrace this knowledge. Knowledge is power gentlemen.
Repeaters: I am sure that you all are aware that with the Mechanic enhancement comes the intelligence damage mod for repeaters. If you are not aware of that, re-read the previous sentence. Many of you are not experienced in repeater warfare. Many of you are. Repeaters are another topic that I would like to see fleshed out and thoroughly devoured, like if Portia de Rossi stumbled drunk into Rossie O'Donnel's house one night after losing a binge drinking contest immediately following a nasty knock-down-drag-out with Ellen. So lets share our repeater knowledge for those that choose to go that way.
New Business
I would like to personally thank B_Samson for his contribution. Because he provided us with the Certified logo, I would like to make him the very second certified member, the other being me of course. We are always looking to expand our union, so please inquire within. All I ask is that you provide me with your name and what server you are on. So, to answer your question, yes you do get to wear one of those. Also, EMU members can place "EMU Certified" in the top of their bio, if they so wish to be identified as such.
Areas of Interest/Concern
I have never heard of them, but apparently there is some little club that calls themselves R.O.G.U.E. I briefly skimmed his post and apparently he wants to be dominated in a way that is mutually beneficial for a couple of our members or something. All that business sounds rather tiresome and I don't really get what he is getting at. Either way, keep an eye out for these R.O.G.U.E. chaps as I am not sure that they are to be trusted. Seems like they are a bit intimidated because as soon as we form up, they rolled over like a dog that wanted his belly rubbed. I lust want to make it clear that this is a skilled labor union and not some sneaky club. We work with our hands and we organize our strength with numbers. Perhaps they will be of some use to us in the future, but at the moment it is still undecided what the benefit would be.
New Membership
I would like to introduce our new members.
Darth Solace
Congratulations to you all.
And if there is nothing else, the meeting is now adjourned.
Remember, it is a dangerous world out there, for them.
Trouper (Ghallanda)
Last edited by Maxallu; 06-29-2010 at 04:55 PM.
i suppose i will consider this my official application.
Mournafien Hun'ndar
Home Server of Sarlona.
i'll be doing alot of research into trapsmithing, specifically where to get materials, and what place render no materials at all. (i may have found one already)
I appreciate your time in considering my application, and hope to be a full fledged member of the EMU.
Although i am a member, i would like to make sure that i am properly certified with the proper authroities.
Osma77 aka Omaka Dragoon. Lv 8 rogue, Serlona
Items of intrest:
1. Educating newbie rogues into the danger of playing with Fire (traps) at low levels. Any rogue with mechanic I will probably not set off their own traps, but even if they did, the dc is probably low enough they would dodge on a 1.
2. Learning about Repeating crossbows. I think i got the mechanics of aiming and fireing like an assault rifle, but for some reason my bolts are magic and either disapear before reaching the enemy (1/3 of the time) or slow down and wait to hit the enemy while i am reloading.
Also curious why it seems that if I pull out my rapier and shield, i sometimes am able to fire a bolt or two from the blade of my weapon.
3. Setting up a petition to make sure that E.M.U memebers never choose the Emu as the offical mascot. Just because it makes sense, dose not make them any cooler, and mechanics need a cool mascot (maybe a phoenix, to symbolise how we both survive any fire, or how in a trap heavy dungeon we are the first to be ressed. )
Last edited by Osma77; 07-01-2010 at 03:01 PM.
Disarming traps... By throwing emus at them. BRILLIANT!
Dear Mr. Maxallu,
I am writing to apply for membership in the Eberron Mechanic Union (hereafter referred to as EMU). As requested, I am enclosing a completed membership application, my certificates of trapsmithing (Veldo the Quick's Advanced Catburglaring), trapcrafting (Tier 4.2a, Mixed), and traplore (How to Keep Your NosePickers Attached, Vol 1-7), and three boxtops from A Cabal for One.
The opportunity presented in your mechanics listing is very interesting and I believe that my strong technical experience and hands-on education will make me a very competitive member. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
- I have successfully designed, developed, and supported a long term plan for my trapcrafting habit.
- I currently hold a seven month streak without having my face caved in. Or eardrums burst.
- I strive to dance on the soulstones of those who follow the "Barbarian School of Trapfinding".
- I provide a never ending source of entertainment with my stacks of Grease scrolls.
With an accredited scholarship from Seven-Fingered Erol's School of InflamatoryExplodieGoop, I believe I can bring an entirely new level of comprehension to those whom would cast doubt upon the abilities of those with slightly more nimble (and brittle) fingers.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this membership opportunity.
Jeffersone Twilight
Pure Rogue, Khyber
I would like to set up a petition to make the majestic emu our official mascot.
Here is a picture of an emu. You are welcome.
The emu picture was brought up too late and I am afraid that it did not make it onto the agenda for the meeting next week. At next weeks meeting, bring up a motion and the union will consider your proposal for the following weeks meeting, but for the moment the emu pic is tabled.
Last edited by Maxallu; 07-02-2010 at 03:32 PM.
Eberron Mechanics Order? Buncha pikers... Now the Order of Eberron Mechanics? Outstanding guys, until they joined the Mechanical Order of Eberron.
Just toying with a few traps tonight to see what I could scavenge from them. Here are my notes:
Protect Baundry's Interests: - Elite
Trap next to chest that appears after completion: 1 Mechanical Trap Part
Retrieve the Stolen Goods: - Elite
Dart trap near objective: no drop
Halls of Shan-To-Kor: - Elite
Acid trap at top of ramp after spider ambush (-264.75, 23.66, -219.95): 4 Acid Trap Parts
Acid trap on ramp at hallway exit (-264.91, 6.30, -219.65): 1 Acid Trap Part
Fire trap on ladder at ramp (-235.27, -18.32, -212.20): 4 Fire Trap Parts
Fire trap on bridge (-233.20, -55.16, -219.94): 4 Fire Trap Parts
Fire trap at bottom of ramp (-261.95, -66.07, -229.20): 4 Fire Trap Parts
Spike trap in room of fire spewing (-276.95, -102.84, -229.95): 4 Mechanical Trap Parts
Fire trap valve near shrine (-254.84, -184.81, -238.80): 3 Fire Trap Parts, 3 Mechanical Trap Parts
Cold trap at top of East ramp (-221.57, -158.05, -239.42): 2 Cold Trap Parts
Cold trap at bottom of East ramp (-191.47, -158.05, -249.95): 4 Cold Trap Parts
Cold trap at bottom of South ramp (-231.95, -194.62, -249.61): 2 Cold Trap Parts
Partycrashers: - Normal
Blade trap after the wolves (-63.16, -143.44, -210.03): no drop
trap after the glowing mushrooms (-175.55, -120.92, 200.79): 2 Mechanical Trap Parts
The Snitch: - Normal
Blade trap in tunnels near the Incinerator (138.44, -0.89, -219.7): no drop
Fire trap in tunnels near the Incinerator (149.45, 18.12, -219.95): 3 Fire Trap Parts
Fire trap on the rooftops (227.24, 4.40, -202.16): 1 Fire Trap Part
trap on the rooftops (after the barrel fight) (273.65, -12.65, -194.83): 4 Mechanical Trap Parts
Monastery of the Scorpion: - Hard
Blade trap in hallway (-23.23, 90.73, 208.69): 11 Mechanical Trap Parts
Blade trap in hallway (15.11, 90.13, 208.67): 1 Mechanical Trap Part
(Spinner?) trap in hallway (23.74, 90.45, 208.60): 3 Mechanical Trap Parts
(Spinner?) trap in hallway (53.67, 84.99, 213.61): 15 Mechanical Trap Parts
(Spinner?) trap in hallway (84.75, 89.57, 208.65): 1 Mechanical Trap Part
Coordinates recorded while standing either directly in front of or on top of trap boxes with /loc command.
Last edited by B_Samson; 07-03-2010 at 10:15 PM.
I too am seeking admittance into the prestigious yet under-personed Eberron Mechanic Union. Mr. Khyber is my dearest friend and source of many a late night musings. My friends call me Jimmiee, though I'm not entirely convinced they are my friends. If we decide that dues are to be set please inform me in triplicate writing so that I may collect the fees from my companions.
As far as searching for trap parts, I have found that the nasty little vault that the dwarfs love so much is a good source as well as those silly drow in their temple thingy.
Unfortunately I do suffer from selfus knowlibis trappis phobia (the fear of dieing in traps crafted by ones own hand) and my curiosity has yet to over come that minor hindrance.
P.S. Word on the roofs is that the drow call it a monastery.
well, i'm acronius sharsnipe and in the "streets" [this small city just have one street] i heard some people talking about the "new mechanic organization".... curious as i am, i'm itching to go to stormreach and learn more about the union....
well, after a childhood in the middle of locks, levers and gears with my father, the great mechanic Cronnus Sharsnipe, i'm at the world now, searching for some curious mechanical systems, like repeaters crossbows and traps. I have a great love for traps, i call them "excedent parts"....because, after you resolve they, there always a leftover.
so, when i reach stormreach, i will search for more information about the union, and try to affiliate me.
am i late for the meeting?
Proud R.O.G.U.E. operative
Mournafein Hun'ndar
Meeting will be held right here on Wednesday July 7. Sorry for the delay, I ran into an unavoidable engagement, there was some problems down at the Yacht club where I am also a member.
See you there!
*Punch and Pie! (BYO P&P)
Eberron Chapter
I am a little bit unprepared today show this will be a bit more brief that the last meeting.
We gather today to bring order and purpose to our organization, the Eberron Mechanic Union. I would like to thank you all for your attendance. Without you all there is no union so know that it means a lot to me that you put forth the time and effort to be here today.
Let's begin,
The Reading of the Minutes
For those that could not make it to last weeks meeting, and I am going to assume that you have a good excuse, a transcript of the meeting can be found here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=257035&page=2
At last weeks meeting we repeated the idea that we must share our knowledge and embrace our brethren. We discussed the function of the EMU ad what is to be expected at meetings and as members. We urged members to compile results and conduct research regarding trap making. That included locations for trap parts farming and trap recipes. Repeater trends/knowledge was identified as a significant topic for the Mechanic Union. B_Samson was recognized for his contribution and made an official certified EMU Mechanic. We should all thank him and congratulate him for that. Several new members were introduced and the meeting was adjourned.
Old Business
Although we already mentioned B_Samson earlier I would like to take just a second to point out some of the contributions from last week. Again, the logo is sweet, and I like that you put forth the effort in in regards to the trap part farming. This is the level of involvement that I would like to see from all of you.
I would like to see a collection of resources, be it links to valuable web sites or build recipies, lets get an information collection going.
On a sad note, some of us want to be represented by an over sized flightless bird. But more on that later.
New Business
It has come to my attention that in order to craft some of the higher level traps, soul gems are required. What we need is a resource for soul gem collection. Either a player who is willing to collect and trade, donate etc., or a guide that people can follow. I know that some of us do not have easy access to generous casters.
Trap implementation:
Besides just the crating stage, there will undoubtedly be some strategy involved in the implementation of the traps that we make. In order for us to get the biggest bang for our buck we need to know what we are doing once we get out there with our little ticking time bombs. Share your experiences, strategies and what not. I am sure that others would like to have a bit more insight into the trap aspect of our craft.
Areas of Interest/Concern
How is it gong out there? I would like to hear about your adventures. Please feel free to share your accomplishments. (screen shots are always welcomed but not required.) I think that everyone would be better off if they heard a little about how some Rogue Mechanics assisted in their groups adventuring. Like my old man used to always turn to me and say, don't switch the blade on the guy in shades oh-no. What I think he meant was, dont mess around with what works. We have a pretty simple and straight forward mission out there. As long as we keep to what we do best we will be a force out there.
If you have any special requests or recommendations we would love to hear them. Please feel free to make your thoughts known. I am open to ideas, as long as they are reasonable.
New Membership
It is my pleasure to announce our new members:
PowerOfRaistlin (Khyber)
sylvar18* (Khyber)
v4n17y (Sarlona)
Congratulations to you all.
*provisional membership. Candidate must complete thread wide apology for the disrespectful picture that was brought up. At no time will he EMU be associated with the emu in any way other than similar spelling.
And if there is nothing else, the meeting is now adjourned.
The front line is everywhere there'll be no shelter here..
Trouper (Ghallanda)
I would like to join this association after I actually make a Mechanic Rogue. Since this update is fairly new, does anyone here have any suggestions on a build that would work? I have a really hard time deciding between a Halfling or a Warforged. On the one hand, halflings have a lot of benefits that just fit a rogue so well (+1 saves, etc) but I really like the Warforged and it's immunities (plus the +2 Con). Some stat allocations and feats to take (at which level) would be greatly appreciated so I can get started with my Repeater Rogue.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
Personaly i like drow: better int max and easier to raise that stat as well as dex and chr.
Small note, late for work at the buisness i use as a front for my... questionable activities. Tiny dragonshards (for the low powered soul gem) are available in the portable hole, so there is no reason (other then cash) that a mage cant get access to the gems needed to trap souls for us.
theres already a couple of threads dealing with this. mine is just an example: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=260556
theres a few other threads as well, just keep in mind str means nothing to you except for carrying stuff.
Last edited by Gladheon; 07-08-2010 at 02:01 PM.
Though I am an assassin, I would like to welcome EMU and let them know they have my support.