If you have not found the guild yet that you been looking for then look no farther.
We at the Cult of Bertrim of Ghallanda spend our time going through dungens and getting people flagged
for raids and also doing favor runs. If your free to play, premium, or vip it doesn't matter. If your a noob that is cool... A vet stellar as long as you don't mind helping the noobs for that is what our guild is about helping newbies learn and enjoy the game we love so much. We play all hours and there is usually someone on at all times.
I myself am on 12am-8am cst and are illlusterious leader (Bertrim) is on late night as well.
my toons are...
just to name a few but the top 2 are the ones i am on the most. If you like send me a message here or find me in game.
Thank you
HEHE Almost forgot we are a global guild all is Welcomed!!