Yeah i should have taken a screen shot of the ticket response. Sorry i cant show it to ya. I can if you want though reproduce a picture of the "double bird" i gave my monitor screen after reading the ticket response. It was quite amazing looking in all of its "**** you turbine glory." ( Yeah i'm still a bit bitter =) )Thank you for your sympathy on this situation i honestly only expected "suck it up and re-roll" type responses. It nice to see not everyone around here is an ******.
Sorry to hear about all of your bad luck, the fact that its not showing up in your feats list makes me think that un-equipping and re-equipping won't fix the problem and clearly shows that it's a bug. I hope there is a way this can somehow be resolved without you having to reroll.
FYI when you perform the "double bird" its best to refer to it as "the Johnny Cash".