Currently I am toying with char planner, thanks for everyone's comments and opinions ![Smile](/forums/images/smilies/smile.png)
Still in brainstorming phase, there's always place for improvement.
This is the build currently I am came up with.
Lawful Good/Neutral Human 32pt
12 Ranger / 7 Rogue / 1 Monk
HP: 298 BAB:17
Fort:16 Ref :19 Will :10
Status: Assuming +2 tome package from DDO store. but not really necessary.
STR:16 +5 lvup +1 enh +6 item +2 tome = 30
DEX:14 +2 enh +6 item +2 tome = 24
CON:15 +1 enh +6 item +2 tome = 24
INT:12 +2 tome +6 item = 20
WIS:12 +2 tome +6 item = 20
CHA:8 +2 tome +6 item = 16
Intimidate, DD, search, spot, openlock, and UMD can be maxed.
Also 10 rank of Jump&Balance, little bit of haggle as well.
Leveling Progress and Feat taking order.
Lv1 Rog
Lv2-13 Ranger
Lv14 Monk
Lv15-20 Rogue
Feat Order
Lv1: Dodge, Mobility, Favored:Undead
Lv3: ExoWep Kopesh
Lv6: Springing Attack, Favored:Giant
Lv9: ImpCrit Slashing
* means requirement for PrE
Rog Damage Boost 2 *
Rog Haste Boost 3
Rgr Sprint Boost 1
Human Adapt STR
Human Greater Adapt CON
Human Versatility 4
Rgr Item Def 1
Rog Subtle Backstabbing 2
Racial Toughness 3
Rgr Favored Attack 2
Rgr Favored Damage 3
Rgr Tempest 2
Rog Assassin 1
Rog Sneak Attack Accuracy 1
Rog Sneak Attack Training 3
Rog Hide 2 *
Rog Move Silently 2 *
Rgr Dexterity 2 *
Rog Improved Trap sense 1
There are options I can choose and I guess this will be flavor thing.
Dwarf: Dwarven racial enhancements are just too great. Axe enh, con, spell defence, more racial toughness.
1/2ling: Better sneak attack accuracy&damage. Best/Worst looking race ever!
Leveling order may needs to tweaked.
Barbarian: First tier of Intim, toughness, and PA enhancements. Faster run, slightly better HP, mini-rage. -1 feat(quickdraw?)
Fighter: Poor-man's monk. Toughness and intim enhancement. No loss of feat.
Mechanic: +4 to DD&OL, +2 to search&spot. -1d6 SA damage. Maybe better for Epic questing?
Comments and opinions are welcome