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  1. #21
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    Thanks for the reply everyone It's quite fun to mess up with char planner.

    Quote Originally Posted by D'rin View Post
    Does the fighter workout for better damage if you go 6 barb for frenzied? The extra damage from vicous might outweigh the kensaii damage.
    I am quite curious about this. The one thing is kensei doesnt require you to being "raged".
    Unless we TR from barbarian and get past life feat, duration of rage may be too short.
    Since kensei benefits you all the time, kensei may be slightly better in DPS ability.
    But another thing is barb would net you extra HPs. So I guess this ends up with personal preference thing.
    English is not my primary language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling

  2. #22
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    Sweet. AC works in U5 epic so monk might not be a bad choice. If you can get your Stunning Blow DC high enough to nail stuff reliably let us know.

    Though somehow I have no doubt the build will be posted and copied by a zillion people
    Rockslide the Hammerhead (AKA Rockelle on Ghallanda)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    I thought Ranger 12/Rogue 7/Monk 1 would be the next "Exploiter." Crunching the numbers it does more DPS because of the nice sneak attack.

    Then I checked against 50% fort, pretty much every raid-boss in the game . . .

    Sticking with 18/1/1

    Might not be a bad choice though because of the extra skill points and stuff, but I like my buffs lasting 18 minutes, 12's too short.
    You wouldn't happen to have some of the numbers around still would you? (what happens at 50 pecent fortification?)

    I find this setup potentially very interesting, and was thinking of maybe even delaying putting my 2nd mineral ii together (have all ingredients except a shard) in case I LR to something like this and perhaps go to a radiance ii instead (I have a good set of Harry beaters and don't really need mineral ii for end game bosses)

  4. #24
    Community Member karnokvolrath's Avatar
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    I see a few 12/6/2 rng/ftr/barbs running around. Most of them are WF using kopeshes. To me its a nice build, good amount of feats from fighter lvls, manyshot, evasion, the boost to run speed and mini rages from barb.

    I was really thinking about making one of these even before update 5.
    Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
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  5. #25
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RS-Makk View Post
    You wouldn't happen to have some of the numbers around still would you? (what happens at 50 pecent fortification?)

    I find this setup potentially very interesting, and was thinking of maybe even delaying putting my 2nd mineral ii together (have all ingredients except a shard) in case I LR to something like this and perhaps go to a radiance ii instead (I have a good set of Harry beaters and don't really need mineral ii for end game bosses)
    My initial calcs were wrong, I re-ran the numbers and the 12/7/1 still does better damage at 50% fort. i think the first time I put in too little FE damage for the 12/7/1, either that or I uses the pre-U5 attack numbers.

    Thank you for asking for this, it made me re-run my numbers and correct my posting wrong junk on the forums.

    All DPS calcs are situational so here's the scenario: 40 STR, 0% fort, favored enemy, 100% sneak attack, bards buffs and prayer. U5 attack numbers (110/105 for tempest III, 105/105 for Tempest II). Tharnes goggles and the Tempest III is an Exploiter 18/1/1. Min II weapons, nothing is immune to holy or acid.

    Tempest III: 364 DPS
    12/7/1: 410 DPS

    50% fort, 50% SA:

    Exploiter: 301
    12/7/1: 318

  6. #26
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post
    Rockslide the Hammerhead (AKA Rockelle on Ghallanda)
    Looks great and thank you for confirming you need fighter levels for a decent DC I thought about adding it on my 18/1/1 but don't think the DC will be above the 33 you get from a weighted hammer.

    When U5 hits can you let us know how reliable the stun lands? Do you nail stuff all the time now?

  7. #27
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    While we're on the topic of strange builds I just ran the numbers again, but this time the 12/7/1 isn't a Tempest II, but and Arcane archer. Below is the melee damage:

    0% fort, 100% SA:

    Exploiter 18/1/1: 364 DPS
    12/7/1 Arcane Archer: 374 DPS

    50% fort, 50% SA:

    Exploiter 18/1/1: 301
    12/7/1 Arcane Archer: 290

    So . . . a 12/7/1 - Ranger/Rogue/Monk - with good melee damage, full UMD, very high AC potential, full traps/locks, and 500-point slayer arrows with manyshot and IPS. Hmm . . . . ..

  8. #28
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    The more I look at it, I am liking the following split I had concocted last year:

    11 Ranger Tempest I, Monk 9 Ninja Spy
    Human with full healing amp, using fists

    Touch of death>10% off hand for dps, also adds 1d6 sneak, improved evasion, faster movement, wholeness of body, and 20% healing amp.

    Yes you won't have healing finisher, but the 3 extra feats and not needing otwf allows quicken, emp healing, and maximize. I calculated 300+ cmw. Requires dragontouch with 10%+20% and the U6 30% helm. Use fire stance(jidz-tetka), max str, skip AC(or have a AC gear set), take stunning blow and quickdraw. Use holy burst and shocking burst Tod rings with weighted handwraps.

  9. #29
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    Currently I am toying with char planner, thanks for everyone's comments and opinions
    Still in brainstorming phase, there's always place for improvement.

    This is the build currently I am came up with.

    Lawful Good/Neutral Human 32pt
    12 Ranger / 7 Rogue / 1 Monk
    HP: 298 BAB:17
    Fort:16 Ref :19 Will :10
    Status: Assuming +2 tome package from DDO store. but not really necessary.
    STR:16 +5 lvup +1 enh +6 item +2 tome = 30
    DEX:14 +2 enh +6 item +2 tome = 24
    CON:15 +1 enh +6 item +2 tome = 24
    INT:12 +2 tome +6 item = 20
    WIS:12 +2 tome +6 item = 20
    CHA:8  +2 tome +6 item = 16
    Intimidate, DD, search, spot, openlock, and UMD can be maxed.
    Also 10 rank of Jump&Balance, little bit of haggle as well.
    Leveling Progress and Feat taking order.
    Lv1 Rog
    Lv2-13 Ranger
    Lv14 Monk
    Lv15-20 Rogue
    Feat Order
    Lv1: Dodge, Mobility, Favored:Undead
    Lv3: ExoWep Kopesh
    Lv6: Springing Attack, Favored:Giant
    Lv9: ImpCrit Slashing
    * means requirement for PrE
    Rog Damage Boost 2 *
    Rog Haste Boost 3
    Rgr Sprint Boost 1
    Human Adapt STR
    Human Greater Adapt CON
    Human Versatility 4
    Rgr Item Def 1
    Rog Subtle Backstabbing 2
    Racial Toughness 3
    Rgr Favored Attack 2
    Rgr Favored Damage 3
    Rgr Tempest 2
    Rog Assassin 1
    Rog Sneak Attack Accuracy 1
    Rog Sneak Attack Training 3
    Rog Hide 2 *
    Rog Move Silently 2 *
    Rgr Dexterity 2 *
    Rog Improved Trap sense 1
    There are options I can choose and I guess this will be flavor thing.

    Dwarf: Dwarven racial enhancements are just too great. Axe enh, con, spell defence, more racial toughness.
    1/2ling: Better sneak attack accuracy&damage. Best/Worst looking race ever! Leveling order may needs to tweaked.

    Barbarian: First tier of Intim, toughness, and PA enhancements. Faster run, slightly better HP, mini-rage. -1 feat(quickdraw?)
    Fighter: Poor-man's monk. Toughness and intim enhancement. No loss of feat.

    Mechanic: +4 to DD&OL, +2 to search&spot. -1d6 SA damage. Maybe better for Epic questing?

    Comments and opinions are welcome
    English is not my primary language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling

  10. #30
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    Default U5 12 Ranger / 7 Rogue / 1

    I'm going to start a separate thread for the rogue 6 build so the thread can continue with various options.

  11. #31
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Ranger 12/Rogue 7/Monk 1 - Arcane Archer. yes, i'm serious. plan on TRing my 20 AA into this.

    S 15
    D 16
    C 14
    I 12
    W 14
    C 8

    At cap:

    S 30 (34 if i can get a +3 tome and ToD ring)
    D 32
    C 24
    I 14
    W 22
    C 10

    AC Breakdown:

    10 Base
    4 Icy Raiments Dodge
    1 Alchemical Dodge
    6 Wisdom
    11 Dexterity
    4 Insight (Shroud Crafted)
    5 Protection
    5 Barkskin
    8 Armor Bracers
    4 Shield wand
    1 Haste
    5 Combat Expertise

    64 - 67 if I can ever get that silly Chattering Ring to drop for another toon.

    1 PBS
    3 WF: Ranged
    6 Mental Toughness
    8 Toughness
    9 IC Piercing (Rapiers)
    12 IC: Ranged
    15 Power Attack
    18 Combat Expertise

    Crunched some numbers, she'll be able to do VERY close melee damage of an 18/1/1 against a target with 50% fort, on un-fortified targets with sneak attack she'll beat it. if within 30 feet her manyshot damage is INSANE.

    Very good melee damage, awesome ranged damage, full UMD and other rogue skills, and 60+ AC. All she'll lose over staying pure is a broken capstone and some FEs.

  12. #32
    Community Member JDCrowell's Avatar
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    Ok so I seriously need to know something from you guys who are in the know about all this U5 stuff....

    This post has given me a ton of insight to the Tempest build post U5. My Ranger is currently a 7/1/1 ranger/rogue/fighter...was headed for the Tempest build this way, but will it be better overall to go all the way to 18 on a Ranger in U5 to get Tempest III or should I stop at 12 for Tempest II and continue to multi-class more fighter or rogue levels?
    Member of Upper Caves of Anthia on Ghallanda.
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  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDCrowell View Post
    Ok so I seriously need to know something from you guys who are in the know about all this U5 stuff....

    This post has given me a ton of insight to the Tempest build post U5. My Ranger is currently a 7/1/1 ranger/rogue/fighter...was headed for the Tempest build this way, but will it be better overall to go all the way to 18 on a Ranger in U5 to get Tempest III or should I stop at 12 for Tempest II and continue to multi-class more fighter or rogue levels?
    I think your option is going for tempest 3 or rog7/fighter1 splash. Both should works just fine.
    It is more like personal preference thing. Do you want all around DPS? maybe tempest 3 works better.
    Rog7/Ftr1 will have better DPS, but only if your targets are not immune to sneak attack.

    Ftr6/Rog2 is also option, but fighter level may not give you enough skill point to max out trap related skills.
    If you are going for this route and wants to have maximum rank of skills, then leveling order tweak might helps.
    But since lv11 of ranger give you GTWF you just cant delay your 11th level of ranger much.

    Hope it helps.
    English is not my primary language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling

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