The problem is this. I log into the game, enter my password, it goes thru the checking and so forth, then when it attempts to enter the game world, the screen goes blank, and it drops back out to the desktop. This wasn't much more than an annoyance to start with, as it would only do so sporadically, and always loaded the game fine on the second attempt. This morning however, it simply refuses to load the game. I've entered my password 11 times in succession, only to have the game drop right back out to desktop. Incidentally, the game is fully closing down, nothing is running in the Task Manager that indicates otherwise.
Windows 7 - 64, all updates
AMD 955BE, stock clocking
8G DDR3 memory, also stock clocking
MSI Hawk 5770 vid card, latest drivers
Any suggestions short of a large blunt object? I seem to recall seeing something pertaining to this issue before, but I'll be dipped if I can locate it now.