I am a daytime player GMT+2, so early AM for most of the states I think, afternoon evening for those in Eastern hemisphere.
Lev 1 rogue 9 Cleric, have been disabling elite traps so build is ok, cleric is healer. non fighting build.
Trying to unlock 32pt build so Only interested in Hard or Elites and not a fan of zergers who harm the party by doing so.
Im f2p but have about 10packs so far.
I believe im a very good player but new to this level of quests.
If you try to group within guild and are around my level or slightly higher please tell me your guild name and a bit about your guild if you can be bothered.
The reason I ask is that I find it easier to get guildies together (and you know what each other tends to do) then fill in gaps from lfm panel.
Many thanks all.
edit- btw I am Aralclerog if you have played with me before.